有个电影里面有个神秘的关于潜水艇电影和关于潜水艇电影还不像 把战舰都撞沉了关于潜水艇电影啥事都没有后期遇到个大章鱼

> > > 文章正文
  Myth #1. Submarines in World of Warships. A wish or reality?
  The World of Warships project is dedicated to large-scale, naval warfare involving dozens of military vessels. Unfortunately, submarines do not fully fit here. They are slow and bulky and are essentially helpless on the surface and their underwater position renders them useless for battling as part of a team.
  WOWS致力于制作一个大型的,包括很多很多船的海战战场。不幸的是,潜艇并不会出现在游戏中&&&&因为这些死库水妹子速度很慢,机动太差。浮在水上时很脆弱,潜入水下时,(由于极低的速度)几乎对团队做不出什么贡献【嘛,顺便提一句,二战中就没拿来打正面战场的潜艇。就算设计成所谓的舰队潜艇的家伙(比如IJN KD)也是拿来打杂的。都是要预先到达伏击点,然后守株待兔】
  In addition to this, the introduction of underwater vessels will complicate the game&s mechanics. The team would also have to design underwater landscapes, develop interfaces and build whole 3D gameplay models. Submarines undoubtedly are material for a fully-fledged, independent project, but if included in World of Warships they are going to destroy the balance and twist the backbones of the gameplay. So, at the risk of annoying the community, this is not something that we want to get involved in.
  Myth #2. &Yamato& battleship is invulnerable
  In World of Warships you may find a number of decent opponents that can withstand Yamato attacks. For instance Tier X of the US tree provides the USS Montana. Having a deadweight over 70000 tons, bearing 12 406 mm cannons, she is a great match for the Japanese giant in sea clashes. Of course, you shouldn&t forget about aircraft carriers that will also be a real threat for any battleships caught in their vicinity. There is no place for invulnerable units in our universe!
  Myth #3. Torpedoes are for destroyers only.
  Well, this statement is a bit faulty both from a historical point of view and from the point of view of our game. During the first half of the 20th century, torpedo launchers were mounted not only on destroyers but a significant share of cruisers got them as well. The Japanese fleet was quite distinctive for this fact, as they were known to have the most sophisticated torpedo armament of those times. Moreover, certain battleships were also known to bear these weapons on board, although with little effect. This is why we aren&t going to mount them in the game, luckily their artillery armament will suffice instead.
  Myth #4. Battleships = heavy tanks, destroyer = light tanks, aircraft carrier = artillery, cruiser = AT-SPG &
  Though initially this approach may seem reasonable, and even logical, essentially it has nothing to do with reality. Naval warfare is ruled by completely different concepts and features unique specifics so that World of Tanks and World of Warships are relatives only through ideology and general gameplay principles. For instance, scouts in the game are represented by recon aircraft and common AT-SPG tactics cannot be applied on the sea at all & the water surface simply cannot hide a static ship, rendering her an easy target.
  Interaction between classes is also arranged to a very different scheme. So, say, in World of Tanks, light units can hardly damage heavy tanks, whereas in World of Warships a destroyer may require only a single lucky torpedo salvo to make a battleship or an aircraft carrier stare up at surface from the depths, or at least cause sufficient damage to the modules by heavy blows from HE shells.
  不同舰型的联系在WOWS中也是不同的,举个例子&&&&在WOT中,轻坦是很难对重坦造成伤害的,但是,在WOWS中,一条驱逐舰可能只要一次鱼雷齐射就能把战列舰或者航母送进海底(什么,你们不信? 嗯,问一下苏里高的西村祥治去或者问一下塔萨法隆格的田中赖三吧,驱逐舰是如何教大船做人的) ,当然,驱逐舰用He轰击上层建筑也能造成伤害同时破坏一些模块
  Myth #5. Players may switch between all weapons on board.
  A warship is a huge and complex vessel that usually possesses a number of weapons on board. So as not to overburden the gameplay, we have decided to make only major caliber guns, torpedo launchers and aviation directly controlled by the player. AAA sites and auxiliary calibers are operated by Ai directly, although players may also affect their behavior indirectly, for instance, by researching certain modules and approaching targets from certain angles. We&ll try our best to save precious minutes for players who would otherwise waste time switching between dozens of cannons in the heat of the battle. Trust us, you have a ton of a work to do on the high seas with shooting being only a negligible part of it.
  Myth #6. You will be able to see members of the crew on the decks of ships in World of Warships.
  Unfortunately, you will not be able to see crowds of sailors walking on the ships in World of Warships. First, according to procedure, when there is a combat alarm, most of the crew leaves the deck and goes to their posts. Secondly, it was decided not to model crew for both ethical reasons and in order to optimize the game & rendering dozens of miniature figures would put a lot of pressure on system resources.
  But even though you may not be able to see them, the crew will significantly affect the gameplay. Their presence will be visible through the skills that can be researched. It is not necessary to develop each sailor individually & the whole crew will be split into combat units, and each unit will have skills to research.
  Myth #7. It will be possible to control planes from aircraft carriers as the aircraft pilot, as in World of Warplanes.
  No, although the gameplay for carriers will differ a lot from other ships, you will not be able to jump into the pilot seat of your planes in World of Warships.
  Players will be controlling whole squadrons of planes, not individual aircraft. There are four types of aircrafts which are present in our game: scouts will be responsible for detecting the enemy, fighters will target enemy aircraft, and dive bombers and torpedo planes will be used to destroy enemy ships. Players can set goals and routes for each of the squadrons, and the gameplay will feel like a classic RTS (real-time strategy).
  Myth #8. Weather in World of Warships will be changing dynamically and will influence the gameplay.
  Influence of weather on gameplay is under active consideration, but we can share some general principles right now. For example, fog and smoke screens will affect visibility and spotting mechanics. The location of islands and shoals are used to direct the player&s maneuvering and route planning on the map. We will implement seas, but you should not hold your breath waiting for stormy oceans & no one fights in such weather.
  Another interesting idea that might appear in the game is night battles, which were often an advantage to the Japanese fleet at the beginning of World War II. Darkness imposes its own unique rules of battle, the key point being detection of the enemy. The combat aircraft will not be as useful as they are during the day, while artillery and torpedoes will have a more difficult time finding their targets.
  Myth #9. Enemy ships can be destroyed in a single hit.
  Yes and No & destroying enemy with a single hit is possible, although very, very difficult. In order to do this, you would need to damage the magazine. It has happened, for example, with the famous British flagship, the battleship &Hood.& As ships are always very well armored, players will have to acquire a powerful major caliber, a keen eye, and a fair amount of luck.
& & & & 编辑:人偶、|皮俄罗斯海军2014年将接装40余艘战舰和潜水艇_网易财经
中国网3月25日讯 据俄新网25日报道,俄罗斯国防部信息与新闻管理局向记者表示,俄海军今年将接装40余艘舰艇和。
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_430896.jpg">
从海底出击》. 经典,无话可说! &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_550505.jpg">
U-571》. 卖座! &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/16/748_.jpg">
印第安纳波利斯号:勇者无惧 》USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage (2016) 倒霉的舰长,军舰被击沉,死里逃生却上了军事法庭,唯一的事例。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/13/748_450857.jpg">
狼入羊口 U-900 (2008).又名: 猎杀潜航U-900。屌丝喜剧,6·8分。
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/13/748_390949.jpg">
幻影计划》 Phantom (2012). 为了核弹的控制权,艇上的叛乱分子出招了······ &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_060380.jpg">
怒海争锋》. 好片。英法海上争霸战。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/16/748_.jpg">
海军上将》 Michiel de Ruyter (2015)影片在17世纪中期欧洲风云突变的历史背景下,完美展现了荷兰救国英雄、海军上将米歇尔?德米歇尔鲁伊特(Michiel de Ruyter)的英勇形象与跌宕起伏的人生经历。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_210802.jpg">
男人们的大和》 小日本的政治片,要排队观看,说是爱国。撇开感情因素,片子还是不错的。曾经号称不沉的大和号,是日本海军的骄傲象征,但是它还是要跟军国主义的日本做陪葬品的! &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_340271.jpg">
盛夏的猎户座》. 日本潜艇歌美国军舰玩猫鼠游戏,玩着玩着,小日本的天皇宣布投降了。 片子可以。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/17/748_.jpg">
加齐号的攻击 The Ghazi Attack (2017) 没有跳舞的印度电影,阿三罕见的海战电影。还可以。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_510818.jpg">
中途岛之战》. 人类历史是很重要的一场海战。小日本在珍珠港的偷袭战大捷了,但是这次,胜利女神青睐了美军。 我看了几遍!纪录片《二战中的指挥官》 (2009) 第一集:中途岛战役
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_350630.jpg">
《潜龙轰天》. 一个人的战斗,在密苏里号上,跟恐怖分子! 好看。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_450662.jpg">
《追击赤色十月号》. 苏联最先进的潜艇直奔纽约,老美紧张啊!但是艇长,他是想干什么?苏联方面想马上干掉他,美国方面,只有中情局的怀博士很快懂了,但是没有人相信······ &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_270443.jpg">
《啊,海军》 看日本海军学校如何教育培养海军的!可惜二战去惹美国,一败,联合舰队过去的光辉似乎被掩盖了。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_370474.jpg">
《没有出口的海》. 战争,改变了人的生活,也改变了命运! &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_520224.jpg">
《战舰吕字号》. 又沉了吧?哈哈! &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_250402.jpg">
《联合舰队司令长官:山本五十六》,2011。在片中,这个赌徒形象太好了。但是他还是清醒的人,从来不觉得日本会赢美国,给自己安排了一个让美军击落的好结局。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_110840.jpg">
《山本五十六》1968. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/13/748_140512.jpg">
联合舰队》 連合艦隊(1981) &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/13/748_260465.jpg">
73舰队潜艇战》 Action in the North Atlantic(1943) &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/16/748_.jpg">
菲律宾浴血战 They Were Expendable (1945)
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/16/748_.jpg">
墨菲的战争 Murphy's War (1971) 故事发生在第二次世界大战末期,当时墨菲和他的战友被一艘纳粹德军潜艇击沉,除了他以外,战友们无一生还,墨菲被路易士救起并同路易士成为好友,墨菲心中却一直有个结,就是想炸毁那艘德国潜艇,并凭借一己之力搞到了一颗从德国潜艇上发射的但却并未引爆的鱼雷。但此时二战结束的消息传来了,而墨菲却绝对忘不了纳粹德军所做过的一切,一直不肯放过那艘德国潜艇,他能成功吗?
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/13/748_580512.jpg">
叛舰凯恩号》 The Caine Mutiny(1954) &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/13/748_290293.jpg">
叛舰喋血记》 Mutiny on the Bounty(1935) &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_550824.jpg">
《海军上将乌沙科夫》 Адмирал Ушаков (1953). &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/16/748_.jpg">
海军上将纳希莫夫》 Admiral Nakhimov (1946)打土耳其为了出海口,明明侵略却是保家卫国?专制政治的文艺就是。。。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_190012.jpg">
《海军突击队》 (分. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_060583.jpg">
73舰队潜艇战》. 还有别的名字。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/13/748_360278.jpg">
太平洋生死战》 Between Heaven and Hell(1956) &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_080802.jpg">
U47潜艇. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_190349.jpg">
暴风女神. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_200365.jpg">
北韩潜艇战. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_290146.jpg">
大西洋之战(加拿大) &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_300162.jpg">
粉红色潜艇. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_380755.jpg">
黄色潜水艇. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_560755.jpg">
鬼潜艇(不像是海战电影,记得是早完蛋了的潜艇又跑出来闹鬼而已). &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_570474.jpg">
海底喋血战. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/13/748_440715.jpg">
鹰》 Orzel(1959) &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_580521.jpg">
《海底两万里 》1954. 凡尔纳的经典改编。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_010302.jpg">
海上追逐战 . &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_020083.jpg">
《核艇风暴》. 内部的争斗,就为发射核导弹的问题,谁胜利,就不用说了。 不错片子。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_030458.jpg">
《击沉俾斯麦》. 唉,可怜的俾斯麦号,树大招风,听听老邓(邓尼茨)的大力发展潜艇多好! &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_200115.jpg">
《加勒比海盗》5部?. 大片 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_210365.jpg">
《甲午风云》.大清海军曾经勃起过,还欺负了一下小日本,恐吓了排华的墨西哥。 可惜没有神油,被励精图治后来居上的小日本打败了!朝政腐败的结果啊! &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_050059.jpg">
一八九四·甲午大海战》 (分,网友不够爱国啊,哈哈。老佛爷说丢一寸国土的不肖子孙不得入宗庙见列祖列宗,说的多感人!可一战败,怎么割了那么多? &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/15/748_330319.jpg">
延坪海战 (2015)讲述的是2002年6月发生在韩国西海海域上发生的“第2延坪海战”,金武烈将饰演历史上真实存在的人物——延坪海战中以身殉职的海军大尉尹永河。而秦久则饰演战斗到生命最后一刻的中尉韩尚国,兵长朴东赫一角则由李玹雨饰演。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/15/748_460428.jpg">
鸣梁海战 (2014) 朝鲜海军主力大将李舜臣重创了日本舰队,创造了世界海战史上一次以少胜多的著名战役。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_220037.jpg">
《紧急下潜》. 猎杀潜艇的成了潜艇指挥官。在海上时,自己的妞却让还在岸上的副官给泡走了! &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_230333.jpg">
拉科尼亚号的沉没. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_340583.jpg">
潜艇X-1号. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_490802.jpg">
潜艇沉没. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_500943.jpg">
潜艇突击队. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_510693.jpg">
潜艇午夜出击. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_520568.jpg">
潜艇总动员. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_530396.jpg">
全速返航 . &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_540833.jpg">
(日本对俄国吧,赢了。俄国又主要是腐败惹的祸。) &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/15/748_.jpg">
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_550912.jpg">
神秘的潜艇. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_060021.jpg">
死亡潜航. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_260490.jpg">
苏德海战1944. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_270646.jpg">
太平洋潜艇战. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_280521.jpg">
蛙人之魂 . &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_300349.jpg">
威震大西洋. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_310646.jpg">
无声的敌人\ 死敌. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_340427.jpg">
幽灵号潜艇. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_350474.jpg">
鱼雷出击. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/16/748_.jpg">
与祖国同在 In Which We Serve (1942) &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_370193.jpg">
在敌之手. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_390005.jpg">
战争之势. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_390990.jpg">
直捣东京》 ?. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_570871.jpg">
海军悍妇 》(1957).里根夫妇主演 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_060418.jpg">
《超级战舰》 Battleship (2012).跟外星战舰干!美国舰长这次跟小日本舰长合作,又一次拯救了世界,哈哈。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_450699.jpg">
战舰波将金号 》 (1925).电影史上的里程碑之作,什么蒙太奇我半懂不懂。故事:自家人为不同的信仰而干了起来。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_500668.jpg">
战舰大和》 Senkan Yamato (1953).日本忘不了他的大和号,但是参加过几次海战,大和号表现太糟糕,可能是太珍惜这个用民族来命名的宝贝疙瘩吧。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_510121.jpg">
重返俾斯麦战舰 (2002). &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_530543.jpg">
俾斯麦战舰 》Search For The Battleship Bismarck.德国人也难忘俾斯麦号战舰,真的很经典的战舰,但是强大的海军不是靠一艘厉害的军舰撑起来的,军舰怕飞机,这又是一个证明。回顾历史的纪录片。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_550246.jpg">
蓝色惊爆点》 A Glimpse of Hell 2001. &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_230059.jpg">
《核子航母遇险记》 The Final Countdown (1980).时空之洞把他们送到珍珠港事件之前,但是却没有来得及改变历史,眼睁睁的看着日军飞机飞向珍珠港。也不想留下一个人来改变以后的历史。 &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/12/748_340684.jpg">
007之海底城》 The Spy Who Loved Me (1977). &
720 && this.width >= this.height ? 720 : true);' src="/13/748_070600.jpg">
《K-19:寡妇制造者》2002.影片是根据真人真事改编的,K19是苏联第一艘战略核潜艇。危险来自自身:核艇设计上的问题吧。不错片子。 &
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大白鲸 / 无比敌2010(港) / 莫比敌(台)。低成本、差特技、二流演员的改经典之作,现代的核艇舰长亚哈跟史前巨鲸死拼。恐怕是把麦尔维尔《白鲸记》改的最差的,但是我竟然看完了。
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航空母舰战斗群基本编制.虽然航母能投射大量的空中武力,但是舰艇本身的防御能力薄弱、所以需要其他舰艇,包括水面与水下舰艇提供保护。航母战斗群的分工可以看成航母执行任务,而其他舰艇保护航舰。航母战斗群各有不同,不过现在一个美军航母战斗群基本上由以下舰艇组成:一艘航空母舰。航空母舰提供美国政府许多选择,从单纯武力展示到对各类目标发动攻击都有。航母也使飞机不必顾虑使用其他国家机场与航道空域的问题。航空母舰也可提供其他部队的长时间支援。航母是舰队的旗舰,由一个海军少将以先进的作战系统与通讯设备指挥。两艘导弹巡洋舰。目前是以配备宙斯盾战斗系统的提康德罗加级巡洋舰担任:这两艘巡洋舰作为航母战斗群的护卫中枢,提供防空,反舰与反潜等多种作战能力。舰上另有战斧巡航导弹,具有长程攻击地面目标的能力。两到三艘驱逐舰。现役为阿利·伯克级驱逐舰导弹驱逐舰,同样使用宙斯盾作战系统。这些驱逐舰协助舰队当中的巡洋舰扩展防卫圈的范围,同时用于防空,反潜与反舰作战。一艘反潜巡防舰。现役为派里级巡防舰。两艘攻击潜艇。现役是洛杉矶级潜艇。用于支援舰队对水面或者是水下目标的警戒与作战。一艘补给舰。现在一个美军航母战斗群的攻击与防卫能力很复杂。大致来说是依靠航空母舰载运的战斗机、攻击机、预警机、反潜飞机或直升机来攻击、防卫或搜索距离航母数百千米之外的敌人。其他的作战列舰艇则以保护航空母舰的操作安全为第一优先任务,其次是支援航母的攻击任务,并且承担人员的搜救工作。航母战斗群的角色则包含:保护海上运输航道的使用与安全。保护两栖部队的运输与任务执行。协同陆基飞机共同形成与维持特定地区的空优。以武力展示的手段满足国家利益需求。 &


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