
而且我想指出各国在教育上的花费占了GDP百分比的排名,中国排名104(4. ...
日,{MOD}在中国{MOD}第八次全国人民代表大会预备会议上,作《增强党的团结,继承党的传统》的讲话,号召团结一切可团结的力量,搞好 建设,不然就会被开除“球籍”。{MOD}说,中国是有6亿人口的国家,在地球上只有一个。过去人家看不起我们,因为没有贡献。钢一年只有几十万吨,1956 年是400多万吨,1957年可突破500万吨,第二个五年计划超过1000万吨;第三个五年计划就可能超过2000万吨。美国是世界上最强大的资本主义 国家,它建国只有180年,它的钢在60年前也只有400万吨。假如再有50年、60年,就完全应赶过它,这是一种责任。“你有那么多人,你有那么一块大 地方,资源那么丰富,又听说搞了社会主义,据说是有优越性,结果你搞了五六十年还不能超过美国,你像个什么样呢?那就要从地球上开除你球籍!”
本帖最后由 轻抛浮名 于
19:31 编辑
问题是:Which is more likely to happen in the next century: China becoming a democracy or China's current political system spreading to more countries?
This is a serious question - I really have no idea of which way China’s governmental system is moving (if any at all).
I personally would be frightened of China’s political system spreading to Australia - but that's really unlikely.
If the Chinese like their system of government, they can keep it.
China’s political system will never spread to other countries. It’s a civilization disguised as a country. Unless you share that civilization, you can never adopt China’s country-management system. Just look at Korea and Japan - living side-by-side with China for over 2000 years, and they have never, ever, adopted China’s country management system.
I’ll just raise two specific key cultural points in the Chinese civilization that are VERY DISTINCT from other civilizations, and show you their implications on their political culture.
First of all, the Chinese civilization does not believe that merits can be inherited. Merits can be discovered through objective testing, and enhanced through training, but not inherited. That’s why China implemented the Chinese Imperial examination 2000 years ago, and the emperor who started this double-blind examination process happily claimed, “from now on, I have a net to catch all the talented people.”
After we take a look at the merit system, now let’s also take a look at China’s agnosticism or atheism, which has also been the dominant culture for the last 2500 years. Well, you may say, it just means that they don’t believe in God. No. Not at all. It’s a civilization developed entirely independent of such a “God” concept, thus a Chinese atheist is entirely different from, say, a German atheist.
A German atheist is someone who does not ascribe to the mysticism of an almighty God, but still unquestioningly entertains the concept of “law” and “human rights”. Take, for example, the concept of “law”, which is passed down from the Ten Commandments and so it demands respect instinctively. That’s why “legitimacy” is so important in the Western culture. That’s not how the Chinese sees “laws”. They don’t even get why people are so obsessed about “legitimacy”. Laws in China have always been made by your fellow humans, and they may or may not make sense, and their effect needs to be tested in real life to make sure that they work as intended. So you don’t just have a bunch of legislators debate and write laws and then everyone follows it. If you do that, chances are everybody will ignore it. Laws usually start their lives as some local, administrative regulations, the government has the responsibility to teach people about it for a period of time. Only after it is tested with the public, and if the public says OK, I get the intent, and I agree with it, then it becomes law, and everybody understand that the law is meant to serve a social purpose under the current circumstances, and they are meant to change with the society. That’s what’s natural.
Ditto with “human rights”. There is no God, no deity, so one does not have “divine rights”. That concept doesn’t exist. One has agreement with his fellow human beings to help each other, and what you expect from your fellow human beings, you must be willing to give when it’s your turn. That’s it, and that’s all there is. It’s like if your dad built the bridge, you can’t then just say, “I have the right to walk over the bridge instead of swimming across the river. That’s my human right.” It doesn’t work that way. You walk across the bridge because your forefathers built it. If you just use it, without maintaining it through hard work, sooner or later you’ll have no bridge to walk over. Past human endeavor allows some people to enjoy the fruit of it currently. The moral thing to do is to perform the same type of service to the next generation. Those whose forefathers didn’t work on it don’t automatically get to enjoy it. They have to do the work themselves.
There are millions of other things where the Chinese civilization is distinct from others. The fundamental understanding regarding death, courage, the uncertainty of life, morality, love, and the common good, are all different. So now you see, there is no way the Chinese political system will spread to other countries. What the Chinese hold to be true and as natural as the nature itself, is totally unacceptable in other countries. And what the West hold to be true and noble, the Chinese view it as some kind of mental disorder. When China was the most powerful country in Asia ten centuries ago, Korea tried to copy China’s governing system, but then created this caste system where the first class people were the children of the noblemen and their primary wives, the second class people were the children of the noblemen and their concubines, etc., and only the first class people got education and competed in the national exams. The result was that the Korean aristocracy became incredibly stable and entrenched, half of them going back 500 years. It’s that stable. So you see, a system that was meant to equalize everyone, just by crossing the border, became a system to solidify the social castes. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Similar to Japan, where the aristocracy, by all intent and purpose, is stronger than the emperor, its modern incarnation owns businesses and banks instead of land and titles.
There is a reason why the Chinese culture is the only ancient culture that has survived this long, It’s because it’s foundation is China’s long and vast written historic record, an incomparable data set, which serves as the true antithesis of theocracy. It’s unique to China. It’s fairly irrelevant to other cultures. So it’s self-contained. It’s not “strong” because it offers no comfort for life, death, and uncertainty, but those who self-select into it are those who possess rational courage to humanity, and will never be swayed by other cultures.
西北阿莲 发表于
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Comsenz Inc.美国的教育体制到底是什么样的,和中国的教育体制相比到底有什么不同? - 知乎129被浏览10334分享邀请回答251 条评论分享收藏感谢收起11 条评论分享收藏感谢收起查看更多回答1 个回答被折叠()  作者:无名字
  其实各有优劣,只不过相比之下中国的贪腐以及专制体系相对要更甚,所以自然美国的体制要好一些,对于本国国民来说。  首先,美国的体制中言论非常自由,而言论自由带来的最大好处就是任何问题都能在民众的直言不讳和那些政治精英的批评下得以曝光,从而造成舆论迫使政府对弊政及一些问题能够得到解决。同是,这种自由的言论体系会自然形成一种文化魅力,美国一个建立300年的国家是世界公认的文化大国,为什么,就是因为美国的文化魅力和传播能力,她的这种能力就是通过自由的言论自由的社会形态下形成的。当然,在美国任何言论都不会造成政府对你的打击和压制的,除非你触犯了言论相关的法律,如恶意攻击、污蔑等。  其二,美国的法律一定是比中国要公平的多,这个我想就不用多说了吧,美国大片都看过,那些个严重的杀人犯,美国警察明明知道就是他干的,但是没有证据也拿他没办法。在国内,是不是你干的不重要,重要的是领导要在三天内破案,那么我们的警察同志一定会在三天内就抓到犯人并且让他认罪的——不管是不是他干的都能让他认。  第三,美国的监管体制要比中国的监管体制更有效。我们的公检法、纪检委都知道什么样吧,还用多说么。而美国只要哪个市长头天发话说要奖励本市的某个奥运会上拿金牌的体育明星一个什么奖励,第二天FBI就能踹他家的门找他去喝咖啡——你一个市长评什么没经过参众两院的投票就直接使用本市财政收入(纳税人的钱)  我认为最重要的在于最后这点,即美国的掠夺和对外的殖民虽然主要受益者是大资本家,但不可否认的一点是美国的民众也就最收益的群体。至少美国的油价,美国的粮油食品价格,美国的各种高科技产品价格都低的很。虽然名义上价格是一样的在美国买10美元的东西在中国也买10美元(68元),看似相同,但一个美国人月薪5000美元,对他来说就是10块钱,但是中国人月薪5000人民币,那对他来说就是58块钱。差距就在这呢,当然这只是个例子而已,恰不恰当还请自辩。转看我国,我们的LD人们向来是为了在国际社会的定期会晤中有些面子,就用国家利益换政治利益,导致承诺出去的国家利益都是由人民来承担。所以这是我认为最大的不同也是最切身的不同之处。  是个中国人就能说出我国的好多不尽如人意的地方,但是不管怎么说既然我们生在这样的一个时代,就应该适应这个社会和时代,尽力去促使我们的政府也在很多关乎民众国家利益的地方做出正确的选择,还是有希望的!应该热爱我们的国家,我认为最大的爱国就是在不伤害到其他利益攸关方及他人利益的情况下让自己活的更幸福!
楼主发言:2次 发图:0张 | 更多
  琼海傻忍多 琼海傻忍多   琼海傻忍多 对于你这种活到一把年纪了,连一个无耻两字都不知如何写的全家死了十八代列祖列宗的,我为什么要生气呀,有这个必要吧,我要的就是让你这无耻之人琼海傻忍多 ,你自己去奸你琼海傻忍多 的女儿,琼海傻忍多 你自己去奸你琼海傻忍多 的老母,,够不够琼海傻忍多 琼海傻忍多
  琼海399988 琼海399988  琼海399988 对于你这种活到一把年纪了,连一个无耻两字都不知如何写的全家死了十八代列祖列宗的,我为什么要生气呀,有这个必要吧,我要的就是让你这无耻之人琼海399988 ,你自己去奸你琼海399988 的女儿,琼海399988 你自己去奸你琼海399988 的老母,,够不够琼海399988 琼海399988
  @琼海傻忍多  @琼海傻认多   @琼海傻忍多  @琼海傻认多  :琼海傻认多:琼海傻认多  这个琼海傻仁多是文昌人,在琼海傻仁多不到10岁时,琼海傻仁多的父母就死了,所以琼海傻仁多就通过琼海的远方亲戚投靠了在琼海的表叔,在琼海表叔的支持下琼海傻仁多读到了高中毕业,因为60年代取消了高考,傻仁多就回到了他表叔村里在表叔帮助下傻仁多做了村小的代课教师,这样教了几年书后,傻仁多有年厦天上课,对一长得比较潭亮的五年级女生进行模奶门,后来这女生回家哭着告诉了家长,于是傻仁多给村民吊起来打了一顿后又给人民公社判了现行反革命,最后琼海傻仁多以现行反革命的犯罪名给法院判了十五年刑期,直到八十年未,傻仁多才刑满出狱,本来傻仁多没有模奶门事件,傻仁多也就早从民师转正国家公办老师了,现在至少也是中教高级退休一个月可以领5千多的退休工资了,可现在傻仁多毛钱一个月政府都不给他发一张,所以这也就傻仁多变态要仇恨琼海的原因,傻仁多你60多了,叶落归根,还是回你大文昌去吧   :琼海傻认多  :琼海傻认多   @琼海傻忍多  @琼海傻认多   @琼海傻忍多  @琼海傻认多
评论   请具体提供他的地址,上次就有人要#¥¥%他,可惜了。。不#¥#¥汉奸,应该问题不大。   ―――――――――  言語可以视透一个人的人性…  陰奸小人!
  这个琼海是文昌人,在 399988不 到10岁时,399988的父母就死了,所以就通过琼海的远方亲戚投靠了在琼海的表叔,在琼海表叔的支持下 399988读 到了高中毕业,因为60年代取消了高考,399988就回到了他表叔村里在表叔帮助下399988做了村小的代课教师,这样教了几年书后,399988有年厦天上课,对一长得比较潭亮的五年级女生进行模奶门,后来这女生回家哭着告诉了家长,于是399988给村民吊起来打了一顿后又给人民公社判了现行反革命,最后琼海399988以现行反革命的犯罪名给法院判了十五年刑期,直到八十年未,399988才刑满出狱,本来399988没有模奶门事件,399988也就早从民师转正国家公办老师了,现在至少也是中教高级退休一个月可以领5千多的退休工资了,可现在399988毛钱一个月政府都不给他发一张,所以这也就399988变态要仇恨琼海的原因,多了,叶落归根,还是回你大文昌去吧
  “我想当美国总统。”  “亲爱的,很不幸,我恐怕您没可能做到。”  这不是某位正角逐明年美国总统宝座的候选人与幕僚在讨论如何挽救选情,而是今年10岁的艾莉娜(Alena Mulhern)与妈妈的一次对话。  艾莉娜生于某国,出生10个月被美国马萨诸塞州的一对夫妇领养,从此在州内海岸小镇京士顿(Kingston)生活。有一天,妈妈跟艾莉娜聊起将来的志愿,得知艾莉娜想当美国总统后,妈妈只好对她解释,按美国宪法规定,只有“生于本土的美国公民”(natural-born citizens)才有权出任总统或副总统,而她没有这个权利。  根据美国宪法,总统、副总统必须为“生于本土的美国公民”。根据1790年法案,“生于本土的美国公民”通常也包括由美国公民在海外所生的孩子。美国历史上也有不少在海外出生的总统参选人,例如2008年共和党总统候选人麦凯恩(John McCain)生于巴拿马,目前参加2016年总统选举共和党初选的泰德·克鲁斯(Ted Cruz)则生于加拿大。  艾莉娜不能出任美国总统或副总统,是因为她在海外出生后被领养,根据2000年儿童公民资格法案,艾莉娜获领养后自动获得了美国公民身份,但不被视为“生于本土的美国公民”。  “这不公平,”艾莉娜当时回答妈妈:“我要改变这条法律。”  我会是个卓越的领导人,让国民团结一致;也会引领国家,使她成为更适合生活、工作和养儿育女;最重要的是,我爱我的国家,希望为她奉献,这里是我的国家。  艾莉娜(Alena Mulhern)  艾莉娜就这样展开了推动修宪的运动。10月28日, 艾莉娜出席马萨诸塞州州议会的一场听证会,尝试说服州议员通过决议案,要求国会修法,甚至修宪。她振振有词地说:“诸位想想看,就因这条200多年前定下的法律,让多少伟大的人物无法为国奉献。 ”  艾莉娜对席间每个人说,她跟大家都一样是美国人,都应该有参选总统的机会,而且自己已经不记得任何跟某国有关的事物,所知道的一切都关于美国。她又充满信心,表示自己将来会是一个卓越的美国总统,能引领国家进步,团结国民,最重要的是,她视美国为自己的国家,热爱美国并希望作出奉献。  艾莉娜于听证会上的发言,经电视台播放后引起不少人关注。有人认为要修改宪法非常艰巨,但在艾莉娜心目中,所有事情在变成可能之前,都曾经是不可能的。她说,她会全力以赴,坚持下去。
关键字: 中国模式民主体制
然而只要对事实稍加梳理,就会发现上述观点极为可笑。从1949年建政以来,中国共产党一直是中国的执政党,其间中国在政府政策和政治环境方面的变化,幅度之大在世界政治史上罕见 。从最初的新民主主义联盟到50年代初激烈的土地改革;从大跃进到60年代初的土地准私有化;从&文化大革命&到邓小平的市场化改革,乃至江泽民通过&三个代表&理论对党重新定位,等等,中国国内政治在各阶段的对比差别令人难以置信。在外交政策上,中国在50年代向苏联&一边倒&,到70年代事实上已与美国结成同盟,到80年代又重新恢复与苏联的关系,今天中国在多极化的世界坚持独立立场,在世界各国成为引人注目的角色。从毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民到胡锦涛,以及接下来的习近平,中国共产党的领导人在政治观点和政策制定上在与时俱进的过程中有着巨大的变迁,这一点无人会否认,他们之间的差别可能远远超出其他政治制度下交替掌权的领导人。60年来,中国共产党也犯下了许多错误,但却能大幅度地自我纠正,比如被视为一场灾难的&文化大革命&就被彻底否定。同时,中国从一个四分五裂的国家演变成为今天这样举世瞩目的大国,这一事实足以证明中国的一党执政制度具有卓越的自我更新和更正能力。
Many people believe the Western democracy is superior to a one-party system because the rotation of political power gives government the flexibility to make needed policy changes. But China&s one-party system has proven over time to be remarkably adaptable to changing times.
The Christian Science Monitor:
China's political system
is more flexible than US democracy
By Eric Li
Published: October 17, 2011
Change is in the air. By revolutions, elections and other methods, governments are changing hands across a wide swath of the world. Two most notable peaceful successions are occurring in none other than the most important pair of countries in the world, the United States and China. In the next twelve months, America&s two-party electoral democracy will elect a president and a new Congress, and China&s one-party state will also produce a new leadership. With the myriad of seemingly intractable problems facing human societies everywhere, what is the &best& system of governance is again hotly debated.
Intellectual giants no less than Francis Fukuyama are entering the fray. In his new tome &The Origins of Political Order& and related writings, Fukuyama points out that the obvious success of China&s one-party system does not solve the &bad emperor& problem: how do you make the emperor go away if and when he turns &bad&? A newspaper commentator has gone so far as to pronounce that despite the wide popular support (as measured by opinion surveys) enjoyed by the Chinese Communist Party, the fatal flaw in the system is that there is no way to &induce& the Party to giver up power if and when it loses the people&s support.
But this is a faux proposition. There is an old Chinese saying, &the people are like water, the ruler is a ship on that water. Wate water can overturn the ship.& Today, nation-states have replaced empires and kingdoms. In this analogy, water is still the people. The ship, however, is no longer just an emperor and his dynasty but the larger and far more sophisticated political system that constitutes the modern nation-state. China&s one-party rule is enshrined in its constitution, just as America&s electoral democracy is in its. The Chinese people&s overwhelming and sustained support for the Party&s leadership, as consistently reflected in independent public opinion surveys, is within the context of the nation&s one-party political constitution, and therefore can only be interpreted as support for this fundamental system of government. Americans& support for either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party ebbs and flows but it is not necessarily linked to popular support for its fundamental system of electoral democracy. At the moment, both nations& peoples support their respective political constitutions.
Some say that in the hypothetical situation in which the Party lost popular support it should step down from power, and only when this is ensured the support of the people the Party currently carries could be rendered legitimate. Such argument, if pushed to its logical conclusion, would mean that if, in a hypothetical situation, the current electoral regime in America lost the people&s support the U.S. must do away with elections, cancel the Bill of Rights, and install an authoritarian or some other system of governance. This, of course, is absurd. Rulers may be succeeded or rotated peacefully within established systems of governance. Political systems themselves cannot be changed on a dime. With few exceptions, political systems change quickly only through revolutions. In America&s short history, it took two violent wars on its soil to establish and consolidate its current governing system. Even within an electoral democracy, it is nearly impossible to change from a presidential system to a parliamentary one or vice versa.
Many argue that Western democratic regimes are superior because the rotation of political parties by voting allows the flexibility required for the government to make policy changes that meet the demands of changing times and thereby better reflect the will of the people. In contrast, China&s one-party system is rigid and the Party&s monopoly on power disconnects it from the people.
The simplest exercise in intellectual diligence would show such argument to be preposterous. Since the Party established the People&s Republic in 1949, under the leadership of a single political party, changes in China&s government policies and political environment have covered the widest possible spectrum. From the so-called &New Democratic& coalition at the beginning to the dramatic land reforms of the early 1950&s, from the Great Leap Forward to the quasi privatization of farm land in the early 1960&s, from the Cultural Revolution to Deng Xiaopin&s market reform and Jiang Zemin&s re-definition of the Party through his &Theory of Three Represents&, China&s domestic politics is almost unrecognizable from one period to another. In foreign policy, China moved from a close alliance with the Soviet Union in the 1950&s to a virtual alliance with the United States in the 1970&s and 80&s to contain the former. Today, its pursuit of an independent course in an increasingly multi-polar world is distinctive among the nations of the world. No one could deny that its leaders, from Mao to Deng, from Jiang to Hu and to Xi next year, differ as widely in political outlooks and policy priorities as those that move in and out of power under any other political systems. Through the six decades, there have been many blunders and corresponding course corrections. The Cultural Revolution - a disaster - was outright condemned. And the country went from its shattered state to the China we know today. The facts demonstrate the extraordinary capability of a one-party system for change and self-correction.
On the other hand, the records of electoral regimes around the world indicate that party rotation through elections may not provide the needed flexibility or self-correction. In the United States, elections may have produced new presidents and Congressional majorities, but do not seem to have done much to tackle America&s long-term challenges. In Europe, governments regularly get voted in and out, but no elections have produced even the minimal corrections required to address their monumental distress. In the one-prime-minster-per-year Japan, elections and party rotations have failed to lift the country out of its 20-year stagnation. Perhaps this could explain why governments produced by elections routinely fall substantially below 50% approval rating in their countries and China&s one-party government retains above 80% approval for decades.
In this season of political change around the globe, in China, in the West, in Japan and the Arab world, is water carrying the ship? Is water overturning the ship? What kind of ship does the water truly want to carry? A little less ideological bias and a little more intellectual honesty might tell us some simple truths: Electoral rotations do not necessarily produce flexi one-party rule does not mean rigidity or lack of popular support. Perhaps, and just perhaps, if those who are convinced of the moral superiority of their political system would spare the energy from lecturing, verbally and militarily, and spend it on some self-reflection, it might even help their own countries. Who are really having &bad emperor& problems?
Eric X. Li is a venture capitalist in Shanghai and a doctoral candidate at Fudan University&s School of International Relations and Public Affairs.
China's political system is more flexible than US democracy
Electoral vs one-party regimes
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