
In the period from April 1990 to January 1992. the prevalence rate of nosocomial infection in a general hospital was investi 梘ated once every season for 5 consecutive seasons. Altogether 3516 cases of 23 departments of the hospital were observed and 270 cases of nosocomial infections with a prevalence rate of 7. 68% were found.
There was a month in every season that the vessel index equaled or exceed 20%, Aedes albopictus grew and bred all the year round.
每季度均有一个月的空器指数高达或超过20%。 一年四季都有白纹伊蚊生长繁殖。
Methods:On the basis of the experiment from 1995 to 1996, To observe the effect,monitoring the houserat density
every season.
方法 :在 1995~ 1996年试验的基础上 ,按照试验的要求继续观察其效果 ,鼠密度监测由每月 1次改为每季度监测 1次。
To raise the awareness of competition and improve the nursing techniques, the nursing techniques operations were valuated selectively among nurses every season according to the characteristic of different departments.
为增强护理人员之间的竞争意识,促进护理技术操作水平的提高,结合科室专业特点,我科每季度有选择性的对临床常用护理技术操 作进行考核,收到了较好的效果。
Method Using a self-designed(questionnaire,)10 hospitalized patients in each of the 33 units were investigated every quarter of a year.
Methods All patients were randomly filled out the questionnaire kindly, and then the data was sorted and analyzed.
Methods: We selected the data of outpatients in a hospital from 2000 to 2004 and analyzed it by moving average rate method.
This paper sets up gray system GM(1,1)model for ore yield by using the mathematical principle and the establishment steps of gray system theory,a gray prediction for ore yield per quarter of a gold mine in Shaanxi province has been completed with the help of “remains value examine method”and“rolling examine method”.
The average medical expense of one diabetic patient per season decreased 331 RMB after one
year exercise, which decreased by 41.2%.
The scores of quality of life were evaluated every seasons for 2years both of T and NT groups.
Every Day Is A Gift
Methods To take 1332 clinical records of diachanged patients in 2006 randomly,to analyze the antibacterial applications retrospectively.
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& To study the tectonomagnetic effect in the reservoir vicinity,2 X 21 sites,about 2-5 km apart,have been set up around the Miyun reservoir. The distances between geomagnetic sites and the reservoir bank are some tens of meters to 15 km. Using G-816 and G-826 magnetometers,geomagnetic total intensity was observed once each season during . Analysis of geomagnetic data and the data of water storage of the Miyun reservoir shows that the correlation coefficients between the geomagnetic changes and the variations... To study the tectonomagnetic effect in the reservoir vicinity,2 X 21 sites,about 2-5 km apart,have been set up around the Miyun reservoir. The distances between geomagnetic sites and the reservoir bank are some tens of meters to 15 km. Using G-816 and G-826 magnetometers,geomagnetic total intensity was observed once each season during . Analysis of geomagnetic data and the data of water storage of the Miyun reservoir shows that the correlation coefficients between the geomagnetic changes and the variations in water level and water volume are - (0.28 + 0.22) nT/m and - (0.35 + 0.31) X 10-8nT/m3 respectively. It shows that there is a stronger negative correlation between the geomagnetic changes and the variations in the water storage. This rather strong negative correlation is probably a reflection of the piezomagnetic effect of the magnetic rock under the vicinity of the Miyun reservoir. Because according to the experimental results,the tectonomagnetic experiment around the reservoir is a rather good simulation of the seismomagnetic phenomena,it is believed that geomagnetic observations with a dense network in a seismically active area may catch the information of seismomagnetic precusors.为探讨水库地区的构造磁效应,在密云水库周围布设了2×21个测点,测点间距为2—5km,测点离水库堤岸的距离为几十米至15km不等,使用G-816型与G-826型质子旋进磁力仪,在年期间,每季度观测一次地磁场总强度.地磁与密云水库蓄水的资料分析得到,地磁变化与水库的水位变化、水容量变化的关系系数分别为-(0.28±0.22)nT/m与-(0.35±0.31)×10~(-8)nT/m~3,表明地磁变化与该水库蓄水变化有着较强的负相关.这种较强的负相关可能是密云水库地区地下较强磁性岩石的压磁效应的反映.由于水库构造磁实验是地震磁现象的较好模拟,因此,根据实验结果可以相信,在地震活动区布设加密的高精度地磁观测,是能够捕捉到震磁前兆信息的。 A quantitative study on human water contact was carried out in an endemic area of schistosomiasis japonica. The information relating to frequency, duration and intensity of each activities was obtained from 390 persons (93% of all) aged 5-59 and 10 days of each season in 1987 was surveyed by using systematic sampling. Socioeconomic investigation and stool examination were also performed on the same population. It is found that cutting grass and fishing are the most important activities, as well as swimming and... A quantitative study on human water contact was carried out in an endemic area of schistosomiasis japonica. The information relating to frequency, duration and intensity of each activities was obtained from 390 persons (93% of all) aged 5-59 and 10 days of each season in 1987 was surveyed by using systematic sampling. Socioeconomic investigation and stool examination were also performed on the same population. It is found that cutting grass and fishing are the most important activities, as well as swimming and bathing. The accumulated index ofexposure is high in spring and summer, low in autumn and rare in winter. The peak contact is 8-12 o'clock in the morning. The reasons of contact are different between males and females. And the peak contact is at teen aged youth. Studies on water contact and socioeconomic factors show that there are more contacts in peasants than in those with other occupations. Rich farmers who has more savings contact less. The contacts seem more frequent in those whose family water supply is from infected water. The stepwise regression analysis shows that the most important factor relating to the infection of schistosomiasis japonica are index B of exposure (accumulation of duration × intensity). The infected water supply of family and education were two other factors relating to the infection.1987年,在湖滩型日本血吸虫病流行区,对390名(占总人口93%)居民接触疫水行为进行了随机抽样每季度10d的调查,内容包括接触的频数及每次的类型、持续时间、强度、时间及离居民点距离。并对同一人群进行了社会经济情况调查及粪便血吸虫虫卵检查。结果发现:打草、抓鱼虾是最主要的接触类型,其次是游泳洗澡。接触以春夏较多,秋季次之冬季最少。接触疫水的年龄高峰在10~19岁而时间高峰在上午8~12点。女性的接触频数及持续时间显著高于男性,但累计强度并无显著差别。二性的接触类型很不一致。疫水接触与社会经济因素的研究发现农民接触多于其它职业,生活用水来源于疫水者接触疫水频数高,家中积蓄多者接触疫水少。逐步回归的结果表明:接触疫水是感染血吸虫病最重要因素。另外,生活用水来源及文化程度也与感染显著有关。 In the period from April 1990 to January 1992. the prevalence rate of nosocomial infection in a general hospital was investi 梘ated once every season for 5 consecutive seasons. Altogether 3516 cases of 23 departments of the hospital were observed and 270 cases of nosocomial infections with a prevalence rate of 7. 68% were found. The departments of burn surgery , urogenital surgery, neurosurgery, and orthopedics under the surgical system had the, highest prevalence of hospital cross infections and special attention... In the period from April 1990 to January 1992. the prevalence rate of nosocomial infection in a general hospital was investi 梘ated once every season for 5 consecutive seasons. Altogether 3516 cases of 23 departments of the hospital were observed and 270 cases of nosocomial infections with a prevalence rate of 7. 68% were found. The departments of burn surgery , urogenital surgery, neurosurgery, and orthopedics under the surgical system had the, highest prevalence of hospital cross infections and special attention should be paid to them in the prevention of nosocomial infections, staphylococcus aureus was the most prevalent pathogen and pseudomonas aeruginosa was the second. The Lower respiratory tract, the operative incisions, the burn wounds, and the urogenital tract were the sites most frequently involved. The risk factor of a patient was closely dependent on whether there was the occurrence of nosocomial infection or not. There was a tendency to a lowering of the prevalence rate of nosocomial infections along with the 5 times of general survey, which may result from the preventive measures adopted by the hospital authorities to strengthen the control on the problem.为了了解某综合医院医院感染的基本情况,于1990年4月~1992年1月,每季度一次共作5次医院感染现患率调查,调查该院23个病房共3516例住院病人,发现医院感染病例270例,现患率7、68%。医院感染各科分布,以烧伤科、泌尿外科、脑外科、骨科等外科系统感染率最高,是预防医院感染的重点科室。引起医院感染的细菌以金黄色葡萄球菌为主,绿脓杆菌次之;感染部位以下呼吸道、手术伤口、烧伤创面以及泌尿道为主;有无危险因素与医院感染有显著关联。5次调查的现患率有下降趋势,这可能与领导重视、对医护人员的宣教,加强对医院感染的监控有关。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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