
发信人: baby (bb), 信区: Career_Campus标 题: SYNOPSYS(新思)招聘软件工程师(北京)发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Apr 8 15:11:43 2013), 站内请注意: 本招聘启事同时适用于应届毕业生和社会招聘。
公司简介 Synopsys公司(Nasdaq:SNPS) 是为全球集成电路设计提供电子设计自动化(EDA)软件工具的主导企业。为全球电子市场提供先进的IC设计与验证平台,致力于复杂的芯片上系统(SoCs)的开发。同时,Synopsys公司还提供知识产权和设计服务,为客户简化设计过程,提高产品上市速度。Synopsys公司总部设在美国加州Mountain View,有超过60家分公司分布在北美、欧洲、日本与亚洲。 公司网站:
所属行业:计算机硬件及网络设备 计算机软件 电子技术/半导体
Location: Beijing
Job description: Synopsys is expanding its Beijing R/D team to develop an advanced AMS Custom Layout product for the worldwide IC industry. We are looking for a number of bright and energetic engineers to join this high performance team as we grow this organization into a center of excellence in Custom IC design. We have openings for engineers at all levels of experience.
Requirements: The minimal requirements for our target candidates are as follows: M.S. degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or Mathematics with 2 year of experience, or PhD degree with 1 years of relevant experience. The candidate should be familiar with software development and testing methodologies and has experience in developing complex commercial programs written in C/C and Tcl. It is highly desirable that the candidates possesses knowledge in IC layout such as floor-planning, placement, routing, layout editing, DRC/LVS or parasitic extraction. The individual should have a positive attitude, take initiative and enjoy teamwork. It is essential that the candidates have good problem solving skills and the ability to communicate in English.
薪酬: > 10000RMB/Mon
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