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First Vatican
The First Vatican
Council, the 20th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic church, is best known
for its decree affirming the doctrine of papal
After a lengthy series of deliberations
by preparatory commissions, it was opened by Pope Pius IX in Saint Peter's
Basilica on Dec. 8,
1869.经过漫长的筹备委员会的审议系列,它被打开了圣彼得大教堂于日由教皇庇护九世。Nearly 800 church leaders representing
every continent attended, although the European members held a clear
majority.近800教会领袖代表各大洲参加,虽然欧洲成员举行了明显多数。Apparently the pope's primary purpose
in convening the council was to obtain confirmation of the position he had taken
in his Syllabus of Errors (1864), condemning a wide range of modern positions
associated with the ideas of rationalism, liberalism, and
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From the beginning, however, the
question of infallibility dominated
discussion.从一开始,然而,一贯正确的问题为主的讨论。A vigorous minority opposed this
doctrine both on theological and historical grounds and as being
inopportune.一个充满活力的少数反对无论在神学和历史原因和作为是不合时宜这一学说。Nonetheless, on July 18, 1870, the
council solemnly accepted the proposition that when a pope speaks ex cathedra on
faith or morals he does so with the supreme apostolic authority, which no
Catholic may question or
About 60 members of the council
effectively abstained by leaving Rome the day before the
vote.约60%的理事会成员通过有效弃权表决前离开罗马的一天。Shortly after the vote on
infallibility, the Franco-Prussian War and the successful invasion of the Roman
state by the Italian army abruptly ended the
council.不久后,对犯错误投票,普法战争和罗马的意大利国家军队成功入侵突然结束了议会。The First Vatican Council marked the
climax and triumph of the movement of Ultramontanism yet also helped stimulate a
renewed wave of anticlericalism in several European
T. Tackett
T. Tackett
参考书目Butler, EC, ed.,
The Vatican Council, 2 vols.巴特勒,欧共体,编,梵蒂冈理事会,2卷。(1930); Hennesey, JJ, The First Council
of the Vatican: The American Experience (1963).(1930年);
First Vatican
Council ()一是梵蒂冈理事会(年)Advanced
The First Vatican
Council, convened by Pope Pius IX in Rome, is reckoned by Roman Catholics to be
the twentieth ecumenical church
council.第一届梵蒂冈理事会,由教皇庇护九世在罗马召开的,估计是由罗马天主教是基督教教会理事会第二十届。It was the first to meet since the
Council of Trent (1545-63), which had responded to the sixteenth century
Protestant movement.这是首先要满足,因为安理会的遄达(1545年至1563年),该回应了十六世纪新教运动。
Vatican I sought to define
authoritatively the church's doctrine concerning the faith and the church,
especially in response to new challenges from secular philosophical and
political movements and theological
However, its work was cut short by the
Franco-Prussian War and the invasion and capture of Rome by the army of the
Italian government in September,
1870.然而,它的工作是缩短了普法战争和入侵和由意大利政府军队罗马捕捉九月,1870年。The council completed only two major
doctrinal statements, leaving another fifty-one
unfinished.该委员会只完成了两大理论陈述,留下另一个51完成。Vatican I is remembered almost
exclusively for its doctrinal definition of papal
Context and
Structure背景和结构The council befitted Pius IX's devout
spirituality and expressed the aspirations of the papal-oriented revival of
Catholic faith and practice in progress since the
It also reflected the wide-felt need of
the hour to counteract the religious, philosophical, and political beliefs
identified by the Syllabus of Errors
(1864).它也反映了每小时宽认为需要抵制宗教,哲学,和政治的错误教学大纲(1864年)确定的信念。Closest to home, the council sought to
undergird the authority of the papacy that could appear to be damaged by the
loss of the pope's temporal power, except for Rome and its surrounding region,
to the kingdom of Italy
The need was to regather the church and
reaffirm its faith, its authority, and in particular its head, the
Pius first
mentioned the possibility of a council in 1864, and he set some cardinals to
work on it in 1865.皮乌斯首先提到了1864年议会的可能性,他设置一些枢机主教为它工作于1865年。He formally announced it in 1867 and
issued a bill convening it in 1868.他于1867年正式宣布,并颁发了一项法案于1868年召开的。
When it met in 1869, the council
included 737 archbishops, bishops, and other clerical
members.当它在1869年举行,理事会包括737大主教,主教,和其他文书的成员。The council considered drafts of
documents prepared in advance, debated them, and changed
them.考虑预先准备的文件草案理事会,讨论他们,改变了他们。The results were undoubtedly the work
of the council assembled, although what degree of freedom the council members
enjoyed was questioned then as it continues to be
Constitution "De
Fide Catholica."宪法“德真正Catholica。”The first doctrinal definition, "On the
Catholic faith" (approved Apr. 1870; also called "Dei Filius"), expressed a
consensus of the Catholic revival concerning God, faith, and
In its four chapters it defined as a
doctrine of divine revelation the existence of a free, personal, creator God who
was absolutely independent of the universe he
created.在其四个章节它定义为神圣启示的自由,个人的创造者上帝谁是绝对的宇宙学说,他创建的独立存在。The religious truth concerning the
existence of this God, it affirmed, could be known by human reason alone, so
that all people had no excuse for
unbelieving.真理的宗教有关本神的存在,它肯定,可能是人类已知的唯一的原因,让所有的人都没有不信的借口。Nevertheless, other truths about God
and this creation could only be known by faith through divine revelation via
Scripture and the tradition of the
church.然而,关于上帝创造其他的真理,这只能通过被称为神的启示通过圣经的信仰和教会的传统。Properly understood, faith and reason
were not in conflict.正确理解,信仰与理性并不冲突。The errors that were specifically
mentioned in an appendix, notably atheism, pantheism, rationalism, fideism,
biblicism, traditionalism, were either utterly wrong (atheism) or wrong in
emphazing merely one element of the whole truth
This definition provided the basis for
Catholic theology and philosophy for the next several
Constitution "On
Papal Primacy and Infallibility."宪法“在罗马教皇的首要地位和犯错误。”The proposal of this second definition
(also called Pastor aeternus) divided the council into a majority and a minority
(140 at its fullest) and began a controversy that has troubled the Roman
Catholic Church to this
Originally the council was to discuss a
well-rounded statement of fifteen chapters "On the Church of Christ", as body of
Christ, as a true, perfect, supernatural society, as united under the primacy of
the pope, as related to civil society, etc. But when a new section on papal
infallibility was introduced later, the majority considered it urgent to treat
immediately the sections on papal primacy and papal infallibility as a separate
The result was a statement of four
chapters which defined both papal primacy and papal infallibility as doctrines
of divine revelation.其结果是其中的四个章节定义为神圣的启示教义都教皇至高无上和教皇犯错误的声明。
The passage on
papal infallibility, after crucial amendments, carefully circumscribed in what
sense the magisterium (doctrinal authority) of the pope was infallible: "The
Roman Pontiff when he speaks ex cathedra, ie, when, exercising the office of
pastor and teacher of all Christians, according to his supreme Apostolic
authority, through the divine assistance promised to him in St. Peter, he
defines doctrine concerning faith and morals to be held by the universal Church,
then under those circumstances he is empowered with that infallibility with
which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to be equipped in defining doctrine
concerning faith and
The statement concluded, against
Gallicanism and conciliarism, that "such definitions by the Roman Pontiff were
in themselves, and not by virtue of the consensus of the Church, not subject to
bishops voted against the definition in the first round, and fifty-five bishops
formally absented themselves at the final vote (July 18,
1870).八十个主教反对的定义在第一轮和55主教正式缺席在最后投票(日)自己。Eventually, after the council, every
bishop submitted to the definition, and the debate transmuted into differences
over its interpretation.最终,在理事会,每主教提出的定义,辩论进入了它的解释分歧蜕变。The definition encouraged Catholic
revival, gave Protestants new evidence of papal superstition, and convinced
secularists that the papacy was indeed utterly incompatible with modern
To this day the doctrine of papal
infallibility continues to trouble many Catholics and to complicate Roman
Catholic consultations with Anglicans, Lutherans, and
McIntireCT麦金太尔(Elwell Evangelical Dictionary)
参考书目Pii IX PM Acta,
Pt.有价证券投资收益IX PM文献,PT。I, Vol.我卷。5, 177-94, 208-20 (the council
documents); R. Aubert, Vatican I; C. Butler, The Vatican Council, 2 vols.; FJ
Cwiekowski, The English Bishops and the First Vatican C H. Kung,
Infallible?5,177-94,208-20(会议文件); R.奥贝尔,梵我,C.巴特勒,梵蒂冈理事会,2卷; FJ
Cwiekowski,英国主教和第一梵蒂冈委员会;孔祥熙,犯错?an E AB Hasler, How the Pope
Became Infallible: Pius IX and the Politics of P J. Hennessey, The
First Vatican Council: The American Experience.详情咨询;
AB哈斯勒,如何教皇成为本羂:庇护九世和说服的政治; J.轩尼诗,第一届梵蒂冈理事会:美国的经验。
Decrees of the
First Vatican Council ()法令第一梵蒂冈委员会(年)Advanced
The translation
found here is that which appears in Decrees of the Ecumencal Councils
ed.发现这里的翻译是,这在教育署Ecumencal议会法令出现。Norman Tanner.诺曼坦纳。SJ Apart from the footnotes any text in
square brackets "[ ]" is my addition.律政司司长除了脚注方括号中的任何文本“[]”是我的补充。
The choice of terms to put in bold or
italic print, the arangement of the text into paragraphs in "structured english"
format, as well as the numbering of the paragraphs is also my own and
constitutes my "invisible"
The numbering of the canons is however
found in Tanner's text.该炮的编号但是发现坦纳的文本。
December 1869 - Opening of the Council第一节:日 - 理事会开幕
January 1870 - Profession of Faith第二节:日 - 职业信仰
SESSION 3 : 24
April 1870 - Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith第三部分:日
- 对天主教信仰教条式的宪法
Chapter 1 On
God the creator of all things1章在神的一切事物的创造者
Chapter 2 On
Chapter 3 On
4.第4章。On faith and
1。On God the
creator of all things在神创造万物
4。On faith
and reason在信仰与理性
SESSION 4 : 18
July 1870 - First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of
Christ第四部分:日 - 第一届基督的教会教条式的宪法
Chapter 1 On
the institution of the apostolic primacy in blessed
2.第2章。On the permanence of the primacy of
blessed Peter in the Roman pontiffs在彼得的祝福首要地位在罗马教宗的永久性
3.第3章。On the power and character of the
primacy of the Roman pontffi在权力和至高无上的罗马字符pontffi
4.第4章。On the infallible teaching
authority of the Roman pontiff在罗马教皇犯错的教学权威
definition of Papal Infallibility教皇犯错误的定义
INTRODUCTION引言This council was summoned by Pope Pius
IX by the bull Aeterni Patris of 29 June
1868.本会传唤教皇庇护九世的牛市Aeterni Patris 6月29日1868。The first session was held in St
Peter's basilica on 8 December 1869 in the presence and under the presidency of
the pope.第一次会议于日举行的存在下,在教皇总统在圣彼得大教堂。
The purpose of
the council was, besides the condemnation of contemporary errors, to define the
catholic doctrine concerning the church of
Christ.理事会的宗旨是,除了谴责当代错误,来定义天主教教义有关基督的教会。In fact, in the three following
sessions, there was discussion and approval of only two constitutions:
Dogmatic Constitution On The Catholic Faith and First Dogmatic
Constitution on the church of Christ , the latter dealing with the primacy
and infallibility of the bishop of Rome.事实上,在以下三个会议,有讨论和批准宪法的只有两个:
在天主教信仰和基督的教会 ,后者的首要地位和罗马主教一贯正确处理宪法第一教条主义教条主义宪法 。The discussion and approval of the
latter constitution gave rise, particularly in Germany, to bitter and most
serious controversies which led to the withdrawal from the church of those known
The outbreak of
the Franco-Prussian war led to the interruption of the
council.对普法战争爆发导致议会中断。It was in fact never resumed, nor was
it ever officially closed.其实这是从来没有恢复,也不是有史以来正式关闭。As in other councils at which the pope
was present and presided, the decrees were in the form of bulls, at the end of
which was the clear declaration: "with the approval of the sacred
Very large numbers attended this
council, including, for the first time, bishops from outside Europe and its
neighbouring lands.非常大的数字出席本会,包括为第一次,从欧洲以外地区及其周边土地的主教。Bishops from the eastern Orthodox
churches were also invited, but did not
The decrees of
the council were published in various simultaneous
editions.理事会的法令,同时出版了各种版本。Later they were included in volume 7 of
Collectio Lacensis ( 1892) and in volumes 49-53 of Mansi's collection
().后来他们被列入体积Collectio Lacensis
7(1892年)和在曼西的收集(1923年至1927年)卷49-53。The collection which we use is that
entitled Acta et decreta sacrosancti oecumenici concilii Vaticani in quatuor
prionbus sessionibus, Rome 1872.收集我们使用的是名为文献等decreta sacrosancti
oecumenici concilii Vaticani在quatuor prionbus sessionibus,罗马1872年。Comparison with other editions reveals
no discrepancies, indeed absolute agreement.与其他版本比较发现没有差异,确实绝对的协议。
December 1869第一节:日
Decree of opening
of the council法令理事会开幕
Pius, bishop,
servant of the servants of God, with the approval of the sacred council, for an
everlasting record.皮尤斯,主教,仆人的神的仆人,随着神圣的议会批准一个永恒的记录。Most reverend fathers, is it your
pleasure that,最可敬的父亲,是你高兴的是,
to the praise
and glory of the holy and undivided Trinity, Father, Son and holy
increase and exaltation of the catholic faith and
uprooting of current errors,对于当前的错误铲倒,
reformation of the clergy and the christian people,
for the common
peace and concord of all,为共同的和平与和谐的一切,the holy ecumenical Vatican council
should be opened, and be declared to have been
[They replied:
Pius, bishop,
servant of the servants of God, with the approval of the sacred council, for an
everlasting record.皮尤斯,主教,仆人的神的仆人,随着神圣的议会批准一个永恒的记录。Most reverend fathers, is it your
pleasure that最可敬的父亲,是你高兴地
session of the holy ecumenical Vatican council should be held on the feast of
the Epiphany of the Lord, that is 6 January
[They replied:
January 1870第二节:日
Profession of
I, Pius, bishop
of the catholic church, with firm faith believe and profess each and
every article contained in the profession of faith which the holy Roman
church uses , namely:我,庇护,主教的天主教教堂,以坚定的信念相信和信奉的每一篇文章,
其中的信仰界的神圣罗马教会的用途 ,即载:
I believe in
one God我相信一个上帝
the Father
Jesus Christ一主耶稣基督
only-begotten Son of God.上帝的独生子。
the Father before all ages.以前出生的父亲的青睐。
from God,神与神,
from light,光从光,
God from true God.真神的真神。
Begotten not
one substance with the Father:一个与父内容:
whom all things were made.通过他们所有的事情都做。
us humans and for our salvation谁对我们人类和我们的拯救
down from heaven.从天上下来。
was incarnate by the holy Spirit of the virgin Mary: and became
crucified also for us, he suffered under Pontius Pilate and was
third day he第三天,他
again according to the scriptures.玫瑰再根据经文。He他
ascended into heaven and sits
at the right hand of the Father.升天,并在父亲的右手坐。
shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, and of
his kingdom there shall be no
and the giver of life, who领主和生命给予者,谁
from the Father and the Son.收益从父亲和儿子。
together with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified:
through the prophets.谈到通过先知。And而
catholic and apostolic church.一个神圣的,天主教和使徒教会。
one baptism for the remission of Sins.我承认为赦罪一洗。
And I look
resurrection of the dead.死者复活。And而
the life of
the world to come Amen.世界生命来阿门。
Apostolic and
ecclesiastical traditions and all other observances and
constitutions of that same church I most firmly accept and
.使徒和教会的传统和所有其他纪念活动和我的同宪法教会最坚决接受和拥抱 。
Likewise I
accept sacred scripture同样我接受神圣的经文
according to
that sense which holy mother church held and
since it is
her right to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the holy
nor will I
ever receive and interpret them except according to the unanimous consent of
the fathers.我永远也不会接受和解释,除非根据一致同意他们的父亲。
profess also that我信奉还
seven sacraments of the new law,有七个圣礼新的法律,
properly so called,真正和妥善所谓,
by our lord Jesus Christ and我们的主耶稣基督制定和
for salvation,必要的救赎,
each person need not receive them all.虽然每个人的需要得不到它们。
they confer
grace .他们赋予的恩典 。
confirmation and确认和
may not be
repeated without sacrilege.不得重复而不亵渎。
I likewise
receive and accept the rites of the catholic church which have
been received and approved in the solemn administration of all the aforesaid
and accept the whole and every part of what was defined and declared by
the holy council of Trent concerning original sin and
profess that我信奉的
in the mass
there is offered to God a true, proper and propitiatory sacrifice for
the and that在大众有提供给上帝,为生活和死亡的真实,正确和和解的牺牲
in the most
holy sacrament of the Eucharist there is truly, really and substantially the
body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our lord Jesus
C and that there takes place the conversion of the whole substance of
the bread into his body, and of the whole substance of the wine into his
blood, and this conversion the catholic church calls
confess that under either species alone the whole and complete
Christ and the true sacrament are
hold that我坚定地认为 ,
purgatory exists, and
detained there are helped by the suffrages of the
faithful.被拘留的灵魂是有帮助的忠实的suffrages。Likewise, that同样,这
the saints
reigning with Christ are to be honoured and prayed to , and
that圣徒与基督卫冕要荣幸和祈祷 ,并
they offer
prayers to God on our behalf, and that他们提供代表我们向上帝祈祷,而
relics should be venerated.其文物应崇敬。
I resolutely
assert that images of我坚决断言 图像
virgin mother of God, and likewise those of神永远的处女母亲,同样那些
saints,其他圣人,are to be kept and retained, and that
due honour and reverence is to be shown
that the power of indulgences was left by Christ in the church, and
that their use is eminently beneficial to the christian
people.我申明, 放纵权力离开基督在教会,他们的使用是绝对有利于基督教的人。
acknowledge the我承认
Roman罗马church, the mother and mistress of
all the churches [1] .教堂, 母亲和所有的教堂 [1] 的情妇 。
things which have been transmitted, defined and declared by the
sacred canons and the ecumenical councils, especially the sacred
Trent , I accept unhesitatingly and profess ; in the
same way所有其他的东西已传送,定义和神圣的大炮和合一议会,特别是神圣的遄达
,我毫不犹豫地接受和信奉 宣布 ,以同样的方式
is to the contrary , and whatever heresies have been condemned,
rejected and anathematised by the church, I too condemn, reject and
anathematise .无论是与此相反
catholic faith, outside of which none can be saved , which I now freely
profess and truly hold , is what I shall steadfastly maintain and
confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying
breath, and I shall do my best to ensure [2] that all others do the
same.这种真正的信仰天主教, 置身其中没有一个可以保存 ,我现在真正自由地信奉和保持
,就是我将坚定不移地维护和承认,由上帝的帮助一切完整性和纯度,直到我死亡的气息,和我应尽力确保[2],所有其他人一样。This is what I, the same Pius, promise,
vow and swear.这就是我,同样的庇护,承诺,誓言和宣誓。So help me God and these holy gospels
of God.所以上帝帮助我,这些神的圣福音。
SESSION 3 : 24
April 1870第三部分:日
constitution on the catholic faith教条式的宪法对天主教信仰Pius, bishop, servant of the servants
of God, with the approval of the sacred council, for an everlasting
The Son of God,
redeemer of the human race, our lord Jesus Christ, promised, when about to
return to his heavenly Father, that he would be with this church militant upon
earth all days even to the end of the world [3] . Hence never at any
time has he ceased to stand by his beloved
assisting her
when she teaches,协助她时,她教,
blessing her
in her labours and祝福她和她的劳动
bringing her
help when she is in danger.当她把她的帮助处于危险之中。
redemptive providence appears very clearly in unnumbered benefits, but most
especially is it manifested in the advantages which have been secured for the
christian world by ecumenical councils, among which the council of
Trent requires special mention, celebrated though it was in evil
definition and more fruitful exposition of the holy dogmas of religion
condemnation and
restoration and vigorous strengthening of ecclesiastical
advancement of the clergy in zeal for在热情的神职人员晋升
the founding
of colleges for the training of the young for the and
the renewal
of the moral life of the christian people by在基督教的道德生活的重建
accurate instruction of the faithful, and一个忠实的更准确的指令,
frequent reception of the sacraments.一个圣礼更频繁的接待。What is more, thence also
union of the members with the visible head, and an increased vigour in the
whole mystical body of Christ.一个明显的头部与各成员紧密的联盟,以及在整个基督奥体增加活力。
multiplication of religious orders and other organisations of christian
thence too对宗教虔诚的基督徒订单和其他组织的乘法;那里太
determined and constant ardour for the spreading of Christ's kingdom abroad
in the world, even at the cost of shedding one's blood.
While we recall
with grateful hearts, as is only fitting, these and other outstanding gains,
which the divine mercy has bestowed on the church especially by means of the
last ecumenical synod, we cannot subdue the bitter grief that we feel at most
serious evils, which have largely arisen either
the authority
of the sacred synod was held in contempt by all too many, or
decrees were neglected.其明智的法令受到忽视。
Everybody knows
that those heresies, condemned by the fathers of Trent , which
rejected the divine magisterium of the church and allowed religious
questions to be a matter for the judgment of each individual , have
gradually collapsed into a multiplicity of sects, either at variance or in
agreem and by this means a good many people have had all
faith in Christ destroyed.大家都知道,那些歪理邪说,以遄达 ,
Indeed even the
holy Bible itself, which they at one time claimed to be the sole source and
judge of the christian faith, is no longer held to be divine, but they begin
to assimilate it to the inventions of
there came into being and spread far and wide throughout the world that
doctrine of rationalism or naturalism, - utterly opposed to the
christian religion, since this is of supernatural origin, - which spares no
effort to bring it about that Christ, who alone is our lord and saviour, is
shut out from the minds of people and the moral life of nations.
于是有应运而生 ,并传遍世界列国的理性主义或自然主义,学说-完全反对基督教,因为这是超自然的起源,
-这不遗余力地促成基督,谁是单独我们的主和救主,是拒之门外从人民和国家的道德生活的头脑。Thus they would establish what they
call the rule of simple reason or
nature.因此,他们将建立他们所谓的理由很简单,或性质的规则。The abandonment and rejection of the
christian religion, and the denial of God and his Christ, has plunged the
minds of many into the abyss of pantheism, materialism and atheism ,
and the consequence is that they strive to destroy rational nature itself, to
deny any criterion of what is right and just, and to overthrow the very
foundations of human
impiety spreading in every direction , it has come about, alas, that
many even among the children of the catholic church have strayed from
the path of genuine piety, and as the truth was gradually diluted in them,
their catholic sensibility was weakened.有了这个不虔诚在各个方向传播
,它来了一下,唉, 连天主教会之间的许多孩子都从真正的虔诚路径的范围,并作为其中的真相逐渐被淡化,他们的天主教敏感性减弱。
Led away by
diverse and strange teachings [4] and
nature and
knowledge and divine faith,人类的知识和神圣的信仰,they are found to distort the
genuine sense of the dogmas which holy mother church holds and teaches ,
and to endanger the integrity and genuineness of the faith.他们发现,
扭曲的教条的圣母教堂举行,并教导真正意义 ,并危及的完整性和真实性的信心。
At the sight of
all this, how can the inmost being of the church not suffer
just as God
wills all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth [5] ,
just as Christ came to save what was lost [6] and to gather into one the
children of God who were scattered abroad [7]
church, appointed by God to be mother and mistress of nations, recognises
her obligations to all and is always ready and
the fallen,提高下降,
those who stumble,以稳定的谁绊倒,
to embrace
those who return, and拥抱那些谁回报,
strengthen the good and urge them on to what is
better.加强良好,督促他们什么是更好的。Thus she can never cease from
witnessing to the truth of God which heals all [8 ] and from declaring it, for
she knows that these words were directed to her: My spirit which is upon you,
and my words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your
mouth from this time forth and for evermore [9]
And so we,
following in the footsteps of our predecessors, in accordance with our supreme
apostolic office, have never left
teaching and
defending catholic truth and教学和捍卫真理和天主教
erroneous doctrines.谴责错误的教条。But now it is our purpose
profess and
declare from this chair of Peter before all eyes the saving
teaching of Christ , and, by the power given us by God, to信奉并宣布
reject and
condemn the contrary errors.反对和谴责 ,相反的错误。
This we shall
bishops of the whole world as our co-assessors and fellow-judges, gathered
here as they are in the holy Spirit by our authority in this ecumenical
council, and与全世界的主教聚集作为我们共同评审和同胞法官,在这里,因为他们在圣灵是我们在这个大公会议的权威,
relying on the
word of God依靠上帝的话
and tradition
as we have received it,和传统,我们已经收到,
preserved and authentically expounded by the catholic
Chapter 1 On God
the creator of all things1章在神的一切事物的创造者
catholic, apostolic and Roman church believes and acknowledges that
there is one true and living
creator and
lord of heaven and earth,创建者和天地的主,
simple and完全简单
he must be
declared to be in reality and in
distinct from
the world,不同的世界,
happy in himself and from himself, and超级快乐的自己和自己,
loftier than anything besides himself which either exists or can be
This one true
goodness and almighty power,他的善良和全能的权力,
not with the
intention of increasing his happiness,不符合他的幸福意向增加,
nor indeed of
obtaining happiness,也确实获得幸福,
but in order
to manifest his perfection by the good things which he bestows on what he
absolutely free plan,由一个完全免费的计划,
together from
the beginning of time一起从一开始的时候
brought into
being from nothing从没有被纳入
the twofold
created order, that is在双重的创建顺序,即
spiritual and the bodily,精神和身体,
angelic and the earthly,天使和地上,
thereafter the human which is, in a way, common to both since it is
composed of spirit and body
Everything that
God has brought into being he protects and governs by his providence, which
reaches from one end of the earth to the other and orders all things well [11]
.一切,神应运而生他带来了保护和管理所有的事情办好[11]他的普罗维登斯,这从一个到达地球一端到另一端和命令All things are open and laid bare to
his eyes [12] , even those which will be brought about by the free activity of
Chapter 2 On
The same holy
mother church holds and teaches that God, the source and end of all
certainty from the consideration of created
natural power of human reason : ever since the creation of the world, his
invisible nature has been clearly perceived in the things that have been
however, pleasing to his wisdom and goodness to
the eternal
laws of his will他的意志的永恒规律to the human race by another, and
that a supernatural, way.对另一人的种族,那超自然的,的方式。
This is how
the Apostle puts it : In many and various ways God spoke of old to our
fat but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son
It is indeed
thanks to this divine revelation, that those matters concerning
which are not
of themselves beyond the scope of human
can, even in
the present state of the human race, be known可以,即使在人类目前的状态,被称为
certitude and以坚定的确定性和
intermingling of error.没有错误的交织。
because of this that one must hold revelation to be
reason is that God directed human beings to a supernatural
sharing in the good things of God that utterly surpasses the understanding
indeed eye has not seen, neither has ear heard, nor has
it come into our hearts to conceive what things God has prepared for those
who love him [15]
supernatural revelation, according to the belief of the universal church, as
declared by the sacred council of Trent , is contained
written books
traditions,不成文的传统,which were其中
received by
the apostles from the lips of Christ himself,由基督自己的嘴唇使徒收到,
or came to
the apostles by the dictation of the holy Spirit,或来到使徒由圣灵口授,
passed on as it were from hand to hand until they reached us
The complete
books of the old and the new Testament with all their parts, as they are
listed in the decree of the said council and as they are found in the old
Latin Vulgate edition, are to be received as sacred and
These books the
church holds to be sacred and canonical这些书教会认为是神圣和规范
not because
she subsequently approved them by her authority after they had been composed
by unaided human skill,不是因为她随后批准了她的权威他们后,他们已被独立的人力技能组成,
nor simply
because they contain revelation without
written under the inspiration of the holy Spirit,被写入下圣灵的启示,
God as their author,他们作为其作者的上帝,
and were as
such committed to the church.并致力于为这样的教堂。
Now since the
decree on the interpretation of holy scripture, profitably made by the
council of Trent , with the intention of constraining rash speculation,
has been wrongly interpreted by some, we renew that decree and
declare its meaning to be as follows :
in matters of
faith and morals,在信仰和道德的问题,
belonging as
they do to the establishing of christian
that meaning
of holy scripture must be held to be the true
which holy
mother church held and holds,母亲的神圣教堂举行,持有,
since it is
her right to judge of the true meaning and interpretation of holy
In consequence,
it is not permissible for anyone to interpret holy scripture in a sense
contrary to this, or indeed against the unanimous consent of the
Chapter 3 On
Since human
beings are totally dependent on God as their creator and lord, and created
reason is completely subject to uncreated truth, we are obliged to yield to
God the revealer full submission of intellect and will by
This faith,
which is the beginning of human salvation, the catholic church
professes to be这个信念,这是人类得救的开始,天主教教会自称是
supernatural virtue,超自然的美德,
by means of
grace of God inspiring and assisting us,与上帝的恩典启发和帮助我们,
we believe to
be true what He has revealed,我们相信是真实的什么他透露,
not because
we perceive its intrinsic truth by the natural light of
but because
of the authority of God himself, who makes the revelation and can neither
deceive nor be deceived.但由于自己的上帝,谁使启示和既不能欺骗,也不能欺骗的权威。
Faith, declares
the Apostle, is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things
not seen [17].信仰,宣布使徒,是所望之事的保证,没有看到事物的信念[17]。
in order that the submission of our faith should be in accordance with reason,
it was God's will that there should be linked to the internal
assistance of the holy Spirit external indications of his
revelation, that is to say divine acts,
内部援助 ,
foremost miracles and prophecies ,首先奇迹和预言 ,
clearly demonstrating as they do the omnipotence and infinite knowledge of
God, are这清楚地表明,他们做神的全能和无限的知识,是
certain signs of revelation and are启示最某些标志,并
the understanding of all.适合于所有的认识。
especially Christ our lord himself,特别是基督我们的主自己,
worked many
absolutely clear miracles and delivered
while of the
apostles we read:而使徒我们读到:
went forth and preached every, while the Lord worked with them and
confirmed the message by the signs that attended it [18]
.他们去提出和鼓吹每一个,而主与他们合作,并确认参加由迹象表明,它的信息[18]。Again it is
We have the
prophetic you will do well to pay attention to this
as to a lamp shining in a dark place [19]
although the
assent of faith is by no means a blind movement of the
yet no one
can accept the gospel preaching但没有人能接受传福音
in the way
that is necessary for achieving salvation的方式,是实现必要得救
without the
inspiration and illumination of the holy Spirit,没有灵感和圣灵光照,
to all facility in accepting and believing the truth [20]
And so faith in
even though
it may not work through charity,尽管它可能不工作,通过慈善机构,
is a gift of
operation is a work belonging to the order of
person yields true obedience to God himself when he accepts and
collaborates with his grace which he could have
by divine and catholic faith all those things are to be
believed人哪, 以神和天主教的信仰所有这些事情都可以相信
contained in the word of God as found in scripture and
tradition ,这是上帝的话中 ,如发现经文和传统 ,
and which are
proposed by the church as matters to be believed as divinely
whether by
her solemn judgment无论是她的庄严判决
ordinary and universal magisterium.或在她的普通和普遍的训导。
Since, then,
without faith it is impossible to please God [21] and reach the fellowship of
his sons and daughters, it follows
no one can
ever achieve justification without it,没有人能做到没有它的理由,
neither can
anyone attain eternal life unless he or she perseveres in it to the
we could fulfil our duty of embracing the true faith and of persevering
unwaveringly in it, God, through his only begotten Son,
founded the
endowed his institution with clear notes to the end that she might be
recognised by all as the guardian and teacher of the revealed
To the catholic
church alone belong all those things, so many and so marvellous, which
have been divinely ordained to make for the manifest credibility of the
the church
astonishing propagation ,她惊人的传播 ,
outstanding holiness and她出色的圣洁和
inexhaustible fertility in every kind of goodness ,
catholic unity and她的天主教团结
unconquerable stability ,她的不可战胜的稳定 ,
is a kind of
great and perpetual motive of credibility and an incontrovertible
evidence of her own divine
So it comes
about that,所以,说到这个,
standard lifted up for the nations [22] ,像一个标准为国家解除了[22],
invites to herself those who have not yet
and likewise
assures her sons and daughters that the faith they profess rests on the
firmest of foundations.同样地保证她的儿子和女儿的信心,他们信奉的最坚定的基础之上。
To this witness
is added the effective help of power from on
the kind Lord
stirs up those who go astray and helps them by his
they may come to the knowledge of the truth [23]
confirms by his grace those whom he has translated into his admirable light
they may persevere in this light,因此,他们可能坚持这一点,
abandoning them unless he is first
the situation
of those, who这些情况,谁
heavenly gift of faith由信仰天上的礼物
have embraced
the catholic truth,已经接受了天主教的道理,
means the same as that of those who,绝不是为那些谁相同,
human opinions,由人领导的意见,
for those who
have accepted the faith under the guidance of the church can never have any
just cause for changing this faith or for calling it into
This being so,
giving thanks to God the Father who has made us worthy to share with the saints
in light [25] let us not neglect so great a salvation [26] , but looking unto
Jesus the author and finisher of our faith [27] , let us hold the unshakeable
confession of our hope
4.第4章。On faith and
The perpetual
agreement of the catholic church has maintained and maintains this too:
there is a
twofold order of knowledge, distinct有两方面的知识才能,独特的
not only as
regards its source,不仅至于其来源,
but also as
regards its object.而且关于它的对象。
With regard to
the source,关于源,
we know at
the one level by natural reason,我们知道,在自然的原因之一水平,
at the other
level by divine faith.在其他级别的神的信仰。
With regard to
the object,关于对象,
besides those
things to which natural reason can attain,除了这些事情的自然原因可以达到,
proposed for our belief mysteries hidden in
unless they are divinely revealed, are incapable of being
when the Apostle, who witnesses that God was known to the gentiles from
created things [29] , comes to treat of the grace and truth which came by
Jesus Christ [30] , he declares: We impart a secret and hidden wisdom of
God, which God decreed before the ages for our
None of the
rulers of this age understood this.对这个年龄段的统治者没有理解这一点。God has revealed it to us through
the Spirit.上帝给我们揭示了通过圣灵。For the Spirit searches everything,
even the depths of God [31] .对于精神搜索一切,甚至是神深处[31]。And the Only-begotten himself, in
his confession to the Father, acknowledges that the Father has hidden these
things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to the little ones [32]
seeks persistently, piously and soberly,当它试图坚持,虔诚和清醒地看到,
most profitable,而最赚钱的,
whether by
analogy from what it knows naturally,无论从什么类推自然知道,
or from the
connexion of these mysteries或从这些奥秘联接
another and,其中一个
but reason但原因
rendered capable of penetrating these
in the way in
which it penetrates those truths which form its proper
the divine
very nature,由于其本身的性质,
surpass the created understanding所以远远超过创建理解
that, even
when a revelation has been given and accepted by
they remain
covered by the veil of that same faith and wrapped, as it were, in a
certain obscurity,他们仍然覆盖了相同的信念面纱,包裹,因为它是在一定的默默无闻,
as long as
in this mortal life we are away from the Lord,只要在尘海我们远离主,
for we walk
by faith, and not by sight [33] .因为我们走的信念,而不是视力[33]。
Even though
faith is above reason, there can never be any real disagreement between faith
and reason, since尽管上述原因是信仰,永远不会有任何真正的信仰与理性之间的分歧,因为
same God这是同一个神
who reveals
the mysteries and infuses faith, and谁揭示了奥秘,注入信心,
endowed the human mind with the light of
God cannot deny
himself, nor can truth ever be in opposition to
appearance of this kind of specious contradiction is chiefly due to the fact
that either这种似是而非的矛盾主要是由于一种外观的事实,要么
the dogmas
of faith are not understood and explained in accordance with the mind of
the church, or信仰的教条不理解,并与教会的头脑根据解释,或
views are mistaken for the conclusions of
Therefore we
define that every assertion contrary to the truth of enlightened faith
is totally false [34] .因此,我们定义每个断言违背了开明的信仰真理是完全错误的[34]。
Furthermore the
church which,此外,该教堂的,
together with
its apostolic office of teaching,连同其教学使徒办公室,
has received
the charge of preserving the deposit of faith,已收到了维护存款信仰负责,
wrongly passes for knowledge,什么错误通行证,对知识
lest anyone
be led astray by philosophy and empty deceit [35]
faithful Christians因此,所有忠实的基督徒
forbidden to defend as the legitimate conclusions of science those
opinions which are known to be contrary to the doctrine of faith,
particularly if they have been
con and furthermore
absolutely bound to hold them to be errors which wear the deceptive
appearance of truth.是绝对必然要追究他们的错误里面穿的真理欺骗性的外观。
Not only can
faith and reason never be at odds with one another but they mutually support
each other, for不仅可以信仰与理性永远不会有分歧,但他们彼此相互支持,为
on the one
hand right reason一方面正确的原因
the foundations of the faith确立的信念的基础
illuminated by its light, develops the science of divine
on the other
hand, faith另一方面,信仰
reason from errors and从错误的原因和提供
protects it
and furnishes it with knowledge of many
Hence, so far
is the church from hindering the development of human arts and studies, that
in fact she assists and promotes them in many
neither ignorant nor contemptuous of the advantages which derive from this
source for human life, rather她既不是无知的,也不是优势,而从这个来源获得蔑视人的生命,而
acknowledges that those things flow from God, the lord of sciences, and, if
they are properly used, lead to God by the help of his
Nor does the
church forbid these studies to employ, each within its own area, its own
proper principles and method:也不教会禁止雇用这些研究,在自己的领域,自己的正确原则和方法每:
but while she
admits this just freedom,但同时她也承认这只是自由,
particular care that they do not她需要特别照顾,他们不
infected with errors by conflicting with divine teaching,
beyond their proper limits, intrude upon what belongs to faith
doctrine of the faith which God has revealed is put
not as some
philosophical discovery capable of being perfected by human
divine deposit committed to the spouse of Christ to be faithfully
protected and infallibly
Hence, too,
that meaning of the sacred dogmas is ever to be maintained which has once
been declared by holy mother church, and there must never be any abandonment
of this sense under the pretext or in the name of a more profound
understanding.因此, 那就是 ,
understanding, knowledge and wisdom increase as ages and centuries roll along,
and greatly and vigorously flourish, in each and all, in the individual and the
whole church: but this only in its own proper kind, that is to say, in the same
doctrine, the same sense, and the same understanding [36]
1。On God the
creator of all things在神创造万物
1。If anyone
denies the one true God, creator and lord of things visible and invisible: let
him be anathema .如果有人否认一个真神,创造者和主有形及无形的东西:让他被诅咒 。
2。If anyone is so
bold as to assert that如果有人大胆断言,
there exists
nothing besides matter:除了存在什么问题:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
3。If anyone says
the substance
or essence of God and that of all things are one and the
same:该物质或本质的上帝和所有的东西都是同一个:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
4。If anyone
that finite
things, both corporal and spiritual, or at any rate, spiritual, emanated
divine essence, by the manifestation and evolution of itself becomes all
things or, finally,这神圣的本质,成为了体现和一切事物本身的演变,最后还包括
that God is a
universal or indefinite being which by self determination establishes the
totality of things distinct in genera, species and
individuals:上帝是一个普遍性或无限期福祉的自决确立了的东西,属,种和个人独特的总和:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
confess that the world and all things which are contained in it, both
spiritual and material, were produced, according to their whole substance,
out of nothing by G
holds that
God did not create by his will free from all necessity, but as necessarily
as he neces
denies that
the world was created for the glory of God:否认世界是为神的荣耀创建:
let him be
anathema .让他被诅咒 。
1。If anyone says
the one, true
God, our creator and lord, cannot be known with
things that have been made,从已经取得的东西,
natural light of human reason:由人类理性的自然光:
let him be
anathema .让他被诅咒 。
2。If anyone says
that it is如果有人说,这是
that human
beings should be taught by means of divine revelation
the worship
that should be shown him :认为应该显示他的崇拜:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
3。If anyone says
that a human being如果有人说,一个人
divinely elevated to a不能被神提升到一个
which exceeds
the natural, but这超出了自然,但
of himself
can and must reach finally the possession of
by continual
development:通过不断的发展:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
receive as sacred and canonical the complete books of sacred scripture with
all their parts, as the holy council of Trent listed them,
denies that
they were divinely inspired :否认他们是神圣的:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
1。If anyone says
human reason
is so independent that faith cannot be commanded by
God:人类理性是如此的独立,信仰不能被神命令:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
2。If anyone says
divine faith
is not to be distinguished from natural knowledge about God and moral
matters, and consequently that神圣的信仰是不能区分上帝和道德问题自然知识,因此这
for divine
faith it is not required that revealed truth should be believed because of
the authority of God who reveals
it:为神圣的信仰并不要求披露真相应该是因为神的权威谁发现它认为:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
3。If anyone says
revelation cannot be made credible by external signs, and that
men and women
ought to be moved to faith only by each one's internal experience or private
inspiration:男人和女人应该提出只有每个人的内部经验或私人的启示信仰:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
4。If anyone says
all miracles
are impossible, and that therefore所有的奇迹是不可能的,因此并
all reports
of them, even those contained in sacred scripture, are to be set aside as
or that所有这些报告,甚至在神圣的经文中所载的,要设置为寓言或神话作废;或
miracles can
never be known with certainty,奇迹永远不能确切知道,
nor can the
divine origin of the christian religion be proved from
them:也不能对基督教的神源证明他们:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
5。If anyone says
the assent to
christian faith is对基督教信仰的同意是
but is不是免费的,但
produced by argum or that必然产生的人类理性的论据;或
the grace of
God is necessary only for living faith which works by
charity:上帝的恩典是唯一的生活信仰的慈善工作是必要的:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
6。If anyone says
the condition
of the faithful and those who have not yet attained to the only true faith
is alike, so that的忠实和那些谁尚未实现真正的信仰的唯一条件是一致好评,使
Catholics may
have a just cause for calling in doubt, by suspending their assent, the
faith which they have already received from the teaching of the church,
until they have completed a scientific demonstration of the credibility and
truth of their
let him be
anathema .让他被诅咒 。
4。On faith and
1。If anyone
says that如果有人说,
revelation there are contained no true mysteries properly so-called, but
dogmas of the faith can be understood and demonstrated by properly trained
reason from natural
principles:所有的信仰教条可以理解和证明了适当的培训,从自然原则的原因:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
2。If anyone
says that如果有人说,
studies are to be treated with such a degree of liberty that their
assertions may be maintained as true even when they are opposed to divine
revelation, and
not be forbidden by the church:他们可能不被禁止的教会:let him be anathema
.让他被诅咒 。
3。If anyone
says that如果有人说,
possible that at some time, given the advancement of knowledge, a sense
may be assigned to the dogmas propounded by the church which is different
from that which the church has understood and
let him be
anathema .让他被诅咒 。
And so in the
performance of our supreme pastoral office, we beseech for the love of Jesus
Christ and we command, by the authority of him who is also our God and
saviour, all faithful Christians, especially those in authority or who have
the duty of teaching, that they contribute their zeal and labour to the
warding off and elimination of these errors from the church and to the
spreading of the light of the pure
But since it is
not enough to avoid the contamination of heresy unless those errors are
carefully shunned which approach it in greater or less degree, we warn
all of their duty to observe the constitutions and decrees in which such wrong
opinions, though not expressly mentioned in this document, have been banned
and forbidden by this holy
SESSION 4 : 18
July 1870第四部分:日
First dogmatic
constitution on the church of Christ一是教条主义宪法上的基督的教会
Pius, bishop,
servant of the servants of God, with the approval of the sacred council, for an
everlasting record.皮尤斯,主教,仆人的神的仆人,随着神圣的议会批准一个永恒的记录。
The eternal
shepherd and guardian of our souls [37] ,永恒的牧羊人和守护我们的灵魂[37]
in order to
render permanent the saving work of redemption,为了使永久性赎回节能工作,
determined to
build a church立志打造一个教堂
house of the living God,作为生活在神的家,
faithful should be linked by the bond of
before he was glorified,因此,在他的荣耀,
he besought
his Father,他哀求他的父亲,
not for the
apostles only,不为使徒只,
for those who were to believe in him through their
word,同时也为那些谁是在他相信通过他们的话,that they all might be one
as the Son himself and the Father are one [38]
just as he
sent apostles, whom he chose out of the world [39]
even as he
had been


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