简历中的cover letter什么意思?什么是cover letter什么意思

我写Cover letter经验并奉上模板
在这里我介绍我写Cover letter的体会,希望对大家有所帮助。
1、Cover letter的重要性
Cover letter,中文的意思用书面表达的形式向对方进行自我简介,它是寻找工作材料中重要的组成部分。几乎所有的老板都要求求职者付上Cover letter。因为未来老板要从Cover letter看出你要的职位以及你是否可胜任该职位。
2、写Cover letter关键
写Cover letter的要旨是要显示你的学术背景和研究方向与其相同或类似,隐含着一到实验室就可以很快上手。因为老板是要你去干活而不是花钱让你来学习的。未来老板发出广告后,一般会收到众多的求职信。他可能仅花几秒钟的时间浏览你的简历(CV),Cover letter可告诉他你的技能,才能以及研究背景是否符合他的要求。
3、Cover letter的格式
(1) 第一段写你的目的
第一段的第一句告诉未来老板你的信息来源,如果看广告得知,可以按以下的句型:From XXXX website (或其它来源) I learned about your need for a postdoctoral follow to investigate XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(职位的内容)in Department of Biology,in Nebraska Medical Center。如果他人告知My adviser, XXXXX, never misses an opportunity to tell me of your need for a postdoctoral follow to investigate XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(职位的内容)in Department of Biology,in Nebraska Medical Center。第二句为你的目的。如:I am very interested in this project, and believe that my background on molecular biology techniques and experience in HPLC,XXXX are appropriate for the position.
写研究背景时应尽量往未来老板研究内容沾边或类似。如I have studied …………………………….(论文的研究内容). I applied …………………(具体实验方法),and found that …………(实验结果,尽量往未来老板研究方向靠,但应该有发表的文章支持)。(如果有未发表或正在作的,可以加)Now I am investigating on a project on ………. 。 (3)第三段告诉老板你什么时间可以开工和结尾。结尾语可用以下的几个句子:
I feel confident that given the opportunity, I can make an immediate contribution to Any Corporation. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. I will call your office on Friday, to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you so much for considering my request. I will call you the week of October 10 to see about scheduling the job shadowing. If you need to reach me before that time, please feel free to contact me via phone (XXXX-XXXX-2922) or via email ().
I have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization.
The enclosed resume describes my qualifications for the position advertised. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience.
I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given above, or by telephone at XXXXXXXX.
5、Cover Letter模板
Mr. Archie XXXX
California Investments, Inc.
25 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Dear Mr. XXXXX,
From Nature Journal website I learned about your need for a postdoctoral follow to investigate XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(职位的内容)in Department of Biology,in Nebraska Medical Center。I am very interested in this project, and believe that my background on molecular biology techniques and experience in XXXX are appropriate for the position.
I recently graduated (or will graduate) from the University of Oregon with a Ph.D in Biophysics, from where I have studied …………………………….(论文的研究内容). I applied …………………(具体实验方法),and found that …………(实验结果)。
I have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization.
John Oakley
7 Apple Court
Eugene, OR 97401
积分 1689, 距离下一级还需 536 积分
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13:19 编辑
How to write a successful covering letter
Why do you need a covering letter?“My pet hates: incomplete and inaccurate application forms, no covering letter, poor grammar and spelling, careless handwriting and letters written on scrap paper”_Partner in firm of solicitors.The covering letter is vital to your CV. This is why it is the first page and not an addition. &Please find enclosed my CV& won't get you very far.附信对于你的CV来说至关重要,这也是我们把附信放在第一页的原因。Your covering letter demonstrates your writing style better than your CV (which is usually more brief and factual).附信比CV更能证明你的写作技巧。The covering letter puts flesh on the bare bones of the CV. It points out to the employer the information showing that you have the qualities the job calls for, and makes a statement about yourself and your suitability for the job. It should give the personal touch that your
will intrinsically lack.附信向招聘者表明:1.你已经拥有了这份工作所需要的品质;2.对你自己以及你自己适合这份工作,做一个陈述。A
found that42.9% wanted candidates to submit a cover letter for each position.29.8% felt that they were not important (&I don't have the time to read them anyway&)27.4% had no preference
How long should your covering letter be?In the same survey above19% of employers preferred a full page46% preferred half a page11% had no preference24% felt the shorter the better!
The key point here is that it should never be longer than one page long.关键点在于附信不能长于一页。Plain white photocopier paper is fine. 用白色复印纸打印就可以了。It's OK to print your letter on expensive cream or pale blue paper, but content and layout are far more important! Use the same colour for your CV. Don't use lined paper or paper with punched holes!If emailed put your covering letter in the body of the email. If you attach it with nothing in the email body it may be misidentified as spam.如果是发邮件,那么将附信放到邮件的征文;如果你把附信作为附件发送,但邮件内容空白,那么你的邮件也许会被误认为是垃圾邮件。Don't make the employer work to read your letter!不要让雇主来读你的信。保证你的附信清楚、明白、切中要点。
Keep it clear, concise and to the point.Try not to go over one side of A4: if it does, you are writing an essay instead!长度尽量不要超过一页A4纸。Use your own words not formal long-winded clichés.使用你自己的话,而不是那些正式冗长的陈词滥调。 can help to make it sound better.动词会让你的附信听起来好一些。Spell-check and then double-check your spelling and grammar. Spell checkers won't pick up form instead of fromor sex instead of six!检查拼写,再次检查拼写和语法。Answer the question &Why should I see you?&替招聘者回答这样一个问题:为什么我应该给你面试机会?Make the person who reads it feel special: that it is addressed to them personally and not one of fifty identical letters you are sending out without thought or care,让读的人感觉你的附信很特殊,是专门写给他们的,而不是你没有思考就发给所有公司的模板。You might include your understanding of the, and how you fit the criteria required. &I have a real interest in working as a ....& will not do: you must say why you decided to pursue this career, what first brought it to your attention, why you as a student should be interested in a career in .你可以陈述你对工作或公司的了解以及你怎么符合所要求的标准的。“我对。。。职位有浓厚的兴趣”这样的说法益处不大,你必须说明为什么你决定追求这份职业,期初是怎样注意到这份职业的,你是一个学历史的学生为什么对金融类的职业感兴趣?Relate your skills to the job. Show the employer that you have obtained the , ,
or other skills that are appropriate for the job. See our 将你的技能和工作联系起来。Say when you're available to start work (and end, if it's a placement): be as flexible as possible.说明你什么时候可以开始工作:越灵活越好。
Find a quiet place to write your letter .....
Even something as basic as the name of an employer, or an individual recruiter, is often spelled incorrectly.&&The former Graduate Recruitment Manager at City law firm Mayer Brown found that 20% of applicants got the firm’s name wrong.即便是最基础的如招聘者或者某个招聘人员的名字也经常会被拼错。Who should you address your letter to?应该将你的附信写给谁?Try to find the name of the person to write to. Research by Forum3 found that those who included a letter with their CV were 10% more likely to receive a reply and those who addressed the covering letter and envelope to the correct named person were 15% more likely to receive a letter of acknowledgement and 5% more likely to gain an interview. They also found that 60% of CVs are mailed to the wrong person, with the managing director being the main beneficiary of the unsolicited mail.Think of a covering letter as a glass of brandy. It's a short measure, quite potent, you'll know very quickly if you like it or not, and it's very easy to judge the quality.A CV is more like a glass of wine. It's a bit longer, and while like brandy it's basically fermented fruit juice it takes more time to grade, and probably a bit more skill.-David Welsh, Richmond Solutions
in the USA found that the preferred salutions of HR managers were:Dear Hiring Manager, 38.1% (I'm not so sure that this is right for the UK!)Dear Sir/Madam, 17.9%Dear Human Resource Director, 9.5%To whom it may concern, 26.2%Leave it blank if you don't know the name. 8.3%
&We would recommend to students that they think carefully about how to re-write at least their covering letter, and possibly also their
specifically for the post they are applying for. The best applications were succinct and clear, with unfussy covering letters and CVs.It is also always worth checking over a covering letter before sending it, as there were silly errors such as spelling mistakes or the covering letter written for a different . A good idea that we saw surprisingly little of is to list the
that the job advert says are being looked for, and outline how and why you fulfil those competencies. &——Civil Service
A survey of 500 employers and 2,000 consumers by the jobsite
found that 60% of employers think CVs don't accurately represent people applying for jobs in their organisations. Many candidates use buzz words they think employers wish to hear.‘Hard-working', 'team player' and 'motivated' were the most over-used words on CVs making them meaningless to employers and doing little to make candidates stand out.
The writing rules of George OrwellNever use a long word where a short one will do.If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.Never use the passive voice (e.g. &Bones are liked by dogs&) where you can use the active voice (&Dogs like bones&).Never use jargon if you can think of an everyday equivalent.Does your surname matter?[size=1em] found that, if your surname is King or Prince, you are more likely to be a manager, whereas those with more “common” names such as Cook or Baker are more likely to end up in blue-collar jobs.
What do employers look for in covering letters?One found the following
(From the brilliant
by Eric Hilden)
33% Tailored skills from the job description26% Clarity (well-written, formatted, specifying job applied to)20% Details from your CV (additional accomplishments, explanation of any gaps, etc.)19% Your value, not the basics, why we should hire you18% Spelling & grammar17% Personal vision & uniqueness12% Brevity10% I never read them!
总评分:&学术水平 + 1&
热心指数 + 1&
信用等级 + 1&
AMOS!!! &img src=&static/image/smiley/comcom/28.gif& class=&vm&& ...
本帖最后由 hejing3268 于
12:48 编辑
Suggested structure for your covering letter:建议结构
First Paragraph第一段State the job you’re applying for.陈述你正在申请的工作Where you found out about it (advert in The Guardian newspaper etc. - organisations like to know which of their advertising sources are being successful)你在哪里看到的招聘信息When you're available to start work (and end if it's a )什么时候可以开始工作
Second Paragraph第二段Why you're interested in that type of work为什么你对这类工作感兴趣Why the company attracts you (if it's a small company say you prefer to work for a small friendly organisation!)为什么我们公司吸引你?
Third Paragraph第三段Summarise your strengths and how they might be an advantage to the organisation.总结你的优势,并陈述这些优势将对公司带来什么好处Relate your
required in the job.将你的技能和工作所要求的能力联系起来
Last Paragraph最后一段Mention any dates that you won't be available for interview注明任何你不能去面试的时间Thank the employer and say you look forward to hearing from them soon.感谢招聘者并且说你盼望很快得到他们的回信
If you start with a name (e.g. &Dear Mr Bloggs&) you should end with &Yours sincerely&. If you start with &Dear Sir or Madam& you should end with &Yours faithfully&.
Emailed lettersPut your
as the body of your email. It's wise to format it as plain text as then it can be read by any email reader.&As an employer who's just gone through recruiting a graduate, I'd say about 50% of graduates sent me a pro-forma letter and standard CV, with no attempt at matching their skills and experience to those on the job specification.Several had either got my company's name wrong, or left in the name of the organisation that they had previously applied to. A good 30% of the cover letters were between four and six pages long and a number had used CV templates without removing the format.But those who can write a relevant cover letter and CV stand out like diamonds and are a joy to shortlist.&Emails are not as easy to read as letters. Stick to simple text with short paragraphs and plenty of spacing. Break messages into points and make each one a new paragraph with a full line gap between paragraphs. DON'T &SHOUT& (WRITE IN UPPER CASE!) Your CV is then sent as an attachment. Say you'll send a printed CV if required.不要以上级的语气说你的CV在附件里。说如果有必要,你会发送一份打印版的CV。If you don't know the name of the person you are writing to, it's probably best to use the formal Dear Sir or Madam and to sign off Yours Sincerely or Yours Faithfully (see above).如果你不知道你应该写给谁,那么最好用正式的 Dear Sir or Madam,并以Yours Sincerely或 Yours Faithfully作为结尾。If they have already emailed you, reply back in the same style, so if they have signed their email &Jenny&, write Dear Jenny, but if they have signed it &Ms Smith&, write Dear Ms Smith.If they have emailed you and addressed you Hi Dave, then it's OK to reply Hi Jenny.如果他们已经给你发过邮件,那就以同样的格式回复。如果他们在Email的签名是Jenny,你就写 Dear Jenny;但是如果他们写的是Ms Smith,你应写 Dear Ms Smith。如果他们已经给你发过邮件,并使用“Hi Dave”,那么你使用“ Hi Jenny”回复也是可以的。Also mirror the way they sign off, if they use &regards&, &best wishes&, then it's safe to do the same.也要模仿他们结束语的书写方式,如果他们使用 &regards&, &best wishes&, 那么你使用同样的结束语会比较安全。For more about this see the excellent BBC article
How should you start it?
Survey of covering letter opening lines.Here are the most common opening lines from a sample of covering letters by University of Kent students (numbers of occurrences in brackets)这里是一些最通用的开头。I have just completed my final year at the University of (3)I am a final year law student at the University of (2)As a law undergraduate at the University of Kent I am looking forCurrently I am pursuing a degree in .... at the University ofMy name is .... and I am a final year student at the (4)My name is .... and I am writing in response to your advertisementI am writing to apply for the post of .... in your company (5)I am writing in response to your advertisement in/for (3)I am writing to enquire if you have any vacancies for ....
I was very interested to read your advertisement forI was most interested to read your advertisement forFurther to your advertisement in ...., I should like to apply forWith reference to your vacancy for a ....I enclose my CV for consideration of the post ofPlease find enclosed my application for the post of (3)As you will see from my CVI am seeking a
within aI am currently looking for an entry-level post inI am very keen to work for .... because of your reputation forYour company has an excellent reputation for the training of graduates ...I read with interest of .....
How not to write a covering letter:书写cover Letter不能做的一些事Being a Virgoan, my sense of assertiveness and resilience has prompted me to continue with my ambitions to be a solicitor in a major city law firm…I am also a seventh generation descendant of a Chinese princess and a Sulawesian warrior, which makes me…both an amiable and energetic person.Up until a little while ago I used to compete in British-Eventing competitions on my horse, from which I got a real kick.Am currently reading Robbie Williams' thought-provoking autobiography.Like one of your coffees, I am designed to be opened, savoured and enjoyed. (in application to Nestle)I am someone who knows my own destiny, but I have no definite long term plansI have become completely paranoid, trusting completely in no one and absolutely nothing.Here are my qualifications for you to overlook.I am applying for the post of obstacle assistant (for optical assistant post)If called to interview I would like to discuss the salary, pensions and sickness benefitsI have excellent memory skills, good analytical skills, excellent memory skills.Wholly responsible for two (2) failed financial institutions.I was working for my mother until she decided to move.Spelt his own name wrongly: noticeable as he'd included it at both the top and the bottom of his covering letter.
AMOS!!! &img src=&static/image/smiley/comcom/28.gif& class=&vm&& ...
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论坛法律顾问:王进律师申请工作时,如何写好 Cover Letter?
请问怎样的一份Cover Letter算是标准格式的?如何写好Cover Letter里面的中英文的遣词造句?尤其是称呼、开头、结尾的格式。
首先想真诚地告诉提问的人,cover letter在申请工作时所占的重要性并不是很高,大家的cover letter写的都差不多,公司无法很好地用cover letter来区别申请者,但是当然要好好写,因为如果写的不好,比如有错别字的话,就肯定会影响申请啦。开头一般来说cover letter有几种不同的address方法。(1) 可以写给公司的HR,也就是Dear Mr./Mrs. 然后某个具体的名字。如果你知道公司里面管本科/硕士申请的HR是谁的话,你就可以这样写。(2) 如果你不知道的话,你可以抬头写公司的名字,比如Dear Mckinsey。(3) 或者你也可以写Dear Recruiting Manager。(4) 或者你可以写Dear Sir or Madam,但这个不推荐。第一段第一段你可以这样写:I am writing to apply for *** position at *** company. Through *** I learned about this position. (这里最好能放一个你在这个公司当中聊过天的人的名字,如果没有的话,也可以写Through on-campus information session或者学校的网站) I believe my *** and *** experiences make me an qualified/outstanding/excellent candidate for the position.第二~四段第二到第四段请总结一下你跟申请职位相关的经历。你可以一段写工作经历,一段写学术经历,一段写课外活动。或者可以一段写analytical skills,一段写communication skill。总之随便你想怎么写啦。在写的时候有几点需要注意的不要重复简历上已经讲过的语句,要利用cover letter这个机会讲每段工作给了你什么技能,比如***实习让你对**行业有了深入的了解写的经历要和你申请的职位有关系,比如申请的职位需要很强的数据处理技能,你可以去强调你相关的经历;同时讲完这一经历之后,注意往回扣你申请的职位和公司第五段/最后一段最后一段是强调你为什么想申请这一家公司的这个职位的好机会。需要注意的是:不要强调你想在这个职位上获得什么,而要强调你能给这个职位和这家公司带来什么。比如,也许你的沟通技巧能够很好地给这家贡献价值。最后,要很俗套地说谢谢!然后说:我期待听到回复
伯克利的Resume, CL全指南。-链接已更新
谢邀。由于英文的求职信(cover letter)主要是外企或者在海外找工作会更需要,那不妨请教专业的native speaker求职顾问有什么好的建议,她除了讲理念和策略之外,也举了两个实际的例子加以分析。以下部分文本感谢
撰稿。The infamous cover letter! Although there are some essentials, I can promise you that you will run into trouble with cover letters if you try to work out the one ‘right’ way to write them! There is no one correct, magical solution! “臭名昭著”的求职信,想必很多人看见了就头疼!虽然有一些写作要领,但我敢说,如果照搬所谓的“正确”方式来撰写求职信的话,很可能会遇到麻烦。因为根本就没有正确的、神奇的解决之道。In reality, you should re-write your cover letter for Every. Single. Position.事实上,你必须针对每个不同的岗位撰写不同的求职信!I know this may seem like a challenge when writing in a language that isn’t your native tongue, but I can’t emphasize the importance of this enough! 我知道,非母语撰写求职信是个不小的挑战,但以下是我必须强调的内容,因为它们实在太重要!THE BASICSIn terms of format, a cover letter should generally be along the lines of:1. Statement2. Introduction3. Demonstration of abilities4. ConclusionOf course there are also some standard essentials to include, which are:? Make sure your writing is free from spelling and grammatical errors? The content has a good logical flow? Use a professional and polite tone of voice? Don’t sound ‘greedy’! (that is, avoid at all costs spending your time talking about what you want out of the job, rather than what you can offer them)? Avoid covering details that are already in your resume – they already have that and can read it if they want, the cover letter is your chance to display your voice, logic and personality!Other than these basics, the similarities between each cover letter you write should end there! Every single cover letter should be a work of art, carefully crafted and polished to highlight what makes you the ideal candidate for that particular position.基础在格式方面,求职信应该有如下格式:1.声明2.简介3.能力展示4. 结论当然也要包括一些标准的要点,它们是:确保你的写作是无拼写和语法错误;行文逻辑流畅;语气专业,有礼貌;不要“贪婪”(即,千万不要大谈特谈对职位的期望,而是要谈你可以给公司带来什么);避免重复已经在简历中展示的细节—如果雇主想看,他们自然会去看!求职信是展示你的声音,逻辑和个性的大好机会,不要重复简历中的细节!除了这些基本内容,你必须杜绝每封求职信都大同小异的现象!每一封求职信都应该是一件艺术品,需要精心撰写,以此显示你是职位的不二人选!HOW TO PROCEEDThe first thing you should do is read the position description or job advertisement again. And again. Read it at least 3 times. Analyse it carefully for keywords and clues. The same response will NOT get the same positive result from different employers. Every employer has a need or a problem that they need to solve – by filling a skills gap or labour shortage in their team. The advertisement gives you an idea of what their ‘source of pain’ is, so that you can try to address it! On top of this, different organisations have different values and styles. For example, a bank or a recruitment agency should be addressed with a somewhat formal tone, whereas an innovative start-up company will want to see more personality in your writing style. 具体如何实行你应该做的第一件事就是再次阅读职位描述或招聘广告。再读。至少读3次。仔细分析它的关键字和线索。同样的回应,在不同的雇主处得到的可能是不同的反应。每个雇主都有自己的需求或者急需解决的问题--填补技术空缺或者解决劳动力短缺。招聘广告会告诉你他们的需求,找到这个需求,然后在求职信中解决他们的需求!除此之外,不同的组织有不同的价值观和风格。例如,银行或招聘机构需要正式的语调,而创新的初创公司会希望看到更多的个性。ANALYSING A JOB AD OR POSITION DESCRIPTIONIn Example A and Example B attached, I’ve compared two very different ads so you can get an idea of looking for keywords, who you should address, and what kind of skills demonstrations a particular employer wants to see. Example A is an ad for a bank that has been placed by a recruitment agency. It’s fairly formal in tone, and looking for concrete evidence of applicants’ skills. Example B, on the other hand, has been placed by a management member in a small start-up company. Their emphasis is on disruption and innovation, and they’ll want to see something a bit more daring and interesting from their applicants. Similarly, you shouldn’t use the same set of examples from your past history in every cover letter you write, as different employers will want to see a focus on different skills. These clues will all be found in the advertisement. I’ve attached two contrasting examples below! 分析招聘广告和职位描述在案例A和案例B中,我比较了两种截然不同的招聘广告,以便让你知道该如何寻找关键词,求职信该寄送给谁,以及雇主希望看到什么技能。案例A是由招聘代理发布的一家银行的招聘广告。它语气正式,希望应聘者有具体的技能证明。然而,案例B,是由小的初创公司的管理人员发布。他们强调的是撞击和创新,他们会希望从应聘者身上看到一些更大胆,更有趣的东西。同样,你不应该重复使用以往求职信的案例,因为不同的雇主希望看到不同的技能。有用的线索都将在招聘广告中找到。如何寻找具体可见如下的案例A和案例B:Example A: 第一则招聘广告Our client has a well-established retail banking business in XXX with a significant share of the local market and a strong growth profile. An outstanding opportunity has arisen for a driven and energetic Branch Based Lender to spearhead their business growth agenda.Key role responsibilities:· Driving the growth and profitability of the Bank's retail mortgage segment.· Undertake quality consultative conversations with customers to understand their needs and identify cross sell opportunities to distribute the Bank's product and service offerings. · Active involvement in business development and new opportunity identification by prospecting internal and external networks to grow new business. · Assist clients with often complex decisions around the best way to protect and grow their wealth.· Strict adherence to Risk and Compliance processes and protocols.The successful candidate will demonstrate: · Proven and quantifiable track record in client facing role with the ability to demonstrate historical performance. · High level of internal motivation and drive to meet and exceed client expectations and business performance requirements. · Excellent written and verbal communication skills. · A proven track record and experience in residential mortgage lending preferred but not essential. This opportunity will appeal to a highly driven professional with a proven track-record in a client facing/sales role.In return, you will receive a highly competitive salary package and generous incentive scheme, as well as enjoy the excellent culture from a first-class Banking practice that is led by some of the best leaders in the local market.For more information or a confidential discussion, please contact NAME SURNAME on 00
, quoting reference ##### .关键词分析:Our client: This is a recruitment agency. They probably receive thousands of applications daily. Keep your letter as short as possible.The tone is also quite formal and objective, so you should write in a similar way.这是一个招聘机构。他们每天可能受到成千上万的申请,所以求职信尽量简短。招聘广告语气正式客观,因此你的求职信也需要同样的风格。strong growth profile:This employer is interested in trends. If you can show an example of your skills in trend analysis that would be favourable.雇主对趋势分析有兴趣,如果你能证明这方面的能力,那么会很有利。quality consultative conversations with customers:Strong customer service skills are a must. Talk about your focus on quality, and also your ability to listen carefully to others’ opinions. But talk about these aspects separately (definitely not in the same sentence) so it doesn’t look like you are just repeating the contents of the ad.强大的客户服务技巧是必须的。求职信可以讲讲你注重质量,乐于倾听别人建议。但是请分开谈论这些特质(千万不要在一个句子中),以避免让雇主觉得你在重复招聘广告的内容。“加粗+横线”部分:Look for keywords throughout the document that indicate the skills and personal attributes you what you should demonstrate in your letter. Where industry acronyms are used, you should ensure you use the same ones correctly.寻找能揭示雇主需要的技能和个人特质的关键词。另外,如果有使用行业首字母缩略词,你要确保使用正确。“加粗+横线+斜体”部分:The word Proven is repeated – this advertiser is more interested in your experience than your goals. Focus on demonstrating your past success.“Proven”被重复使用了好几遍,说明雇主对你的经验更感兴趣,而不是你的目标。所以,集中展现你过去的成功经历。For more information or a confidential discussion, please contact NAME SURNAME on 00
, quoting reference ##### .The recruitment agent’s name and phone number are provided. Therefore, you know who to address it to. Include the reference number in your application.Also, since a number is provided, you SHOULD call before you submit your application to introduce yourself. Ask an additional question about the company to demonstrate your thinking ability and interest, and make sure you repeat what you discuss in your cover letter so that they remember who you are and that you made the effort to call.For example: “Dear Ms SURNAME, thank you for taking the time to speak with me this afternoon. As discussed, I am interested in this role because Y, so I was glad that you were able to confirm that Z” and then continue with the rest of your cover letter.If the name was not provided, since it is an agency ad, it’s ok to write “Dear Recruitment Manager” or “To whom it may concern”.提供了招聘代理人的姓名和电话号码。因此,你知道求职信该寄给谁,请在申请时加上申请编号。此外,由于提供了电话号码,在递交申请前,应该先打电话自我介绍。提出一个问题,以展示你的思维能力和对公司的兴趣。并在求职信中重复你提出的问题,以便他们能想起你是谁,以及你前期来过电话。例如:“亲爱的XX小姐,感谢您今天下午抽出时间和我交谈。如前所述,因为XX,我对这个职位很感兴趣。所以我很高兴您能够确认XX“,然后接上求职信的内容。如果因为是招聘机构代发的求职广告,而没有提供公司名称,那么开头书写“Dear Recruitment Manager” or “To whom it may concern”都是可以的。Example B: 第二则招聘广告o Are you entrepreneurial? Want to get in on something a start-up stage to own the space?o Are you an experienced, qualified SEO, Content marketing guru?o Are you passionate about getting high quality content and results?o Are you creative and able to create maximum optimisation of digital assets on a shoestring budget (for now anyway)!o Do you want to be part of an innovative, value and service driven commercial team that puts customers first ALWAYS?o Do you pride yourself on superb customer experiences and want to work with a network of supportive and energetic people who share your passion and values?o Are you looking to have a more flexible work/life balance?If you answered yes to all these questions, then this could well be a perfect match!We are passionate about revolutionising and disrupting. We are pre-launch and are looking to do things differently. We are an inclusive employer and welcome applicants from all age groups, genders and backgrounds. We are keen to work with passionate, competent people with the right skill sets and values. We intend to build rapidly and create superior and exceptional customer experiences globally.We are a pre-launch start up that is creating a disruptive presence and shaking up an industry. To get ahead we need to ensure we have superb optimisation and we're seeking an entrepreneurial and experienced SEO and Content Marketing specialist who is passionate and able to manage the end to end coordination, implementation and analysis of search engine optimisation and our content marketing program.RESPONSIBILITIESo Help us to define an overall clever and sophisticated digital strategyo Help to build the front-end experience using personas and customer journeyo Plan and execute integrated content distribution strategies in line with SEO best practiceo Monitor and report data analytics e.g. Google Analytics, providing insight and researcho Ensure the best optimisation and SEOo Managing the day to day channel pages and uploading content (Social and Digital), to ensure the overall commercial objectives are met, including re-evaluation, future enhancement and functionality improvemento Utilising techniques such as title and meta tagging, indexing, link building, keyword ranking and overall site architecture and content optimisationo Monitoring and analysing site performance and reviewing tracking metrics to provide solutions to increase search engine rankingo Researching and evaluating new traffic trends and identifying new optimisation opportunitieso Assessing search outcomes related to advertising/marketing campaignso Work closely with CEO to identify areas for growth and opportunities to improve return on investment via all digital channelsThe right person for us:Ideally you will have broad digital knowledge and a bit of a guru who takes pride in seeing their results. The key outcome for this role is to amplifying content through our digital and social channels and continually optimising our digital assets to improve search ranking and get in front of our target audiences.You need to be able to work flexibly and achieve tight deadlines on casual/freelance basis. This opportunity will start as a part-time freelance/casual opportunity whilst in build mode. AsGuru:关键词分析(仅横线部分):“Guru” is not a proper key word, but it is an important word.Firstly, it’s informal, so you shouldn’t write too formally either.Secondly, what is a guru? It means you don’t just have basic skills, you know EVERYTHING about the topic and how to apply it. Since it’s impossible to know everything, this means that you should show how you constantly seek out new knowledge.“Guru”不是很合适的关键词,但很重要。首先,它不是正式用语,说明你的求职信也不用太正式。其次,什么是大师?这意味着你不只是具备基本的技能,你需要知道相关领域的一切内容,也要知道如何应用。因为不可能有人知道一切知识,所以这意味着你拥有不断学习新知识的能力。第一段不同寻常的反问表明:This company is starting things off in an unusual manner. You probably won’t stand out if you write a typical formal cover letter.The tone is fast paced and excited, so your letter needs to demonstrate enthusiasm.这家公司以不同寻常的方式做事。如果你写一个通常的正式的求职信,很有可能不会脱颖而出。写作语气是快节奏和兴奋的,所以你的求职信需要证明你的热情。We are an inclusive employer and welcome applicants from all age groups, genders and backgrounds.If you are able to make some kind of diversity statement, include that in your cover letter! It sounds like they would be interested in hearing it.如果你能展示出自己的多样性,请在求职信中表现出来!这句话表明雇主应该会很有兴趣听到这种内容。“加粗+横线”部分:Again, look for keywords throughout the document that indicate the skills and personal attributes you what you should demonstrate.再次强调,寻找能揭示雇主需要的技能和个人特质的关键词。RESPONSIBILITIES:Try and match up past experiences where you have had similar responsibilities.Show that the CEO can rely on your advice.Also, there are a lot of points here, so you won’t be able to address them all, but it tells you they want someone who is very flexible and adaptable and will do what needs to be done. So try to show a past example of this.如果有相似经验,请试着匹配。以此表明CEO可以信赖你的建议。此外,因为点太多,你不必要一个个匹配。但这些点告诉你他们希望应聘者灵活,适应性强,能顺利完成所需要的任务,所以找一个能展示这些特质的案例。The rest of the ad (cut short for this example) goes on to describe the applicant’s ideal qualities and experience, which are points you should try to address.这则招聘广告的剩余部分(案例中没有选取的部分)继续描述对应聘者期待的素质和经验,这些都是你需要在求职信中体现的。
我的两份工作cover Letter都帮了大忙。背景是德企。一家是汽车工程师的职位,一家是战略咨询公司的咨询顾问。CL有两个用处,一个是展示你的外语能力;一个是展示你的逻辑能力。如果你的职位有100个人申请,那就没有用,因为没人看;如果只有十个人申请,就很有帮助。不过话说回来,如何写好XX这一类的问题都没有答案。这就跟如何画好画或者如何写好毛笔字一样,写作是一种能力。英语写作,更是。
不赞同第一的回答 you never knows what's going to impact your application 我从前也觉得写cover letter很花时间 但是我的一个朋友是Pearson recruiter 她说大部分时间是会看你的cover letter 她认识的多数HR都持一样观点 但是千万不要千篇一律 如果你真的很喜欢 为什么不好好写一个呢
第一段:申请什么职位第二段:不重复CV,挑自己重点经历说一下,要体现这些经历怎么帮助自己进入未来的这份工作第三段:我能为公司带来什么,你们为什么要我不要别人结尾,套路式感谢,your consideration of my application will be an essential help in my career planning. i look forward to hearing from you soon之类的cover letter要简单,不要长篇大论,要突出自己能够结合所应聘职位的competitive advantage
cover letter 并不是可有可无的,除了客套话之外中间的两段要写“为什么我想来这个公司”和“为什么这个公司会需要我” 这两点在简历上并不易体现。
不知道为什么那么多回答说 cover letter可有可无。 通常来说,去国外找工作一般都需要cover letter,有的招聘中也会强调说明请随函附上cover letter。既然楼主来问cover letter这件事,就肯定有它的用处。虽然国内找工作用的没有那么普遍。而且题主的问题是,怎么样写cover letter,标准格式是怎样的,然后回答一般不用cover letter,有的招聘从来不看blabla的人,也真是醉了!不知道我是该说 你是没看懂题目还是 在那装什么装!抱歉,实在看不下去了,来吐个槽。正好本人正在研究写cover letter的事情。


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