
我要去美国读博后,突然发现老婆怀孕了。估计到时签证应该看不出(不到3个月)。请教高手J1和J2携签行不行?如果拿到签证,我老婆能不能去美国后办理生育保险?听说那边生孩子很贵啊。着急啊!!顶起来。我可能也遇到同样的情况了!!孩子在米国出生,还能自动获得米国国籍吗?可以,你过来以后买那种覆盖生育的保险就行。版内以前有这样的帖子,你可以考古一下2047 wrote:我要去美国读博后,突然发现老婆怀孕了。估计到时签证应该看不出(不到3个月)。请教高手J1和J2携签行不行?如果拿到签证,我老婆能不能去美国后办理生育保险?听说那边生孩子很贵啊。着急啊!!Hi there:I don't think you will have any problem to have health Insurance to cover your wife's pregnancy care and baby delivery.
The insurance usually kicks in effect in the following month after your enrollment. For Example, you come to the US in May and start to work right away, your health insurance will be in effect on first day of June. Of course, there could be shortly delays depends the institution you are going to go. 孩子在米国出生,还能自动获得米国国籍吗? Also, baby born in the US is auto granted US citizenship. BUT, there is a catch. Baby born in the US,
while his or her parents are not US citizen, will have a DUAL citizenship C meaning the baby is in fact not a “full US citizen” until he or she grows up to the age of 18.
At that time (18 year old), the child has to decide "Where" he or she belongs.*********************************************Here are some related issues:In recent years, more and more Asian women (Korean women) try to come to the US to give birth. One of the reasons is that the babies with dual citizenship will be excluded from military service when they grow up. In the US now, you will hear some phrases to describe this kind of “phenomenon” as “BIRTH TOURISM” or “ANCHOR BABY”. What do these phrases mean?Birth tourism:Because the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizenship to those born in the U.S, it is reported
that some women, wishing their children to be born in the United States, engage in "birth tourism" so that their children become U.S. citizens. Under the rules of many countries, such children have dual citizenship generally until age 18; at which point they must choose one nationality. This practice is believed to be popular among women in Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan. According to Edward Chang, professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Riverside, the practice is popular among the elite of South Korea, since sons of these women can avoid compulsory military service. Temporary homes for these mothers are often located in residential neighborhoods, which neighbors allege decrease the quality of life in the neighborhood. Being US citizens, these children do not have to meet the stricter international student rules to enter U.S. universities and colleges. In addition, when they turn 21, they become eligible to petition for a grant of permanent residency for their parents. Some prospective mothers misrepresent their intentions of coming to the United States, a violation of U.S. immigration law. However, it is not illegal for a woman to come to the U.S. to give birth.Anchor Baby:Anchor baby is term used to refer to a child born in the United States to illegal aliens or other non-citizens. The term refers to a resident alien's child's role in facilitating "chain migration" under the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965. It is considered pejorative by some.
Nativists claim that the baby would become the "anchor" of a chain by which its family may receive benefits from social programs, and by which that family's members may themselves eventually become citizens of the United States. The term "anchor babies" is also used to refer to children born to women who are legally in the US on temporary visas (for example a visitor’s visa) when the child's birth is specifically intended to obtain citizenship under US law, however, this is more precisely described as birth tourism. Sometimes the term jackpot baby is used interchangeably with the term anchor baby, although this use is always derogatory.XatrixerWell, in your case pregnancy will be treated as pre-existing conditions where most insurance plans would NOT cover. You have to find an insurance plan which covers the prenatal care and delivery as soon as you land USA. The cost of delivery and hospitalization would be super high if you do not have an insurance to cover it. And in case of C-section, you usually have to pay more than $10,000! Alternatively if you cannot find one, go apply for Medicaid or other medical assistance programs from your state.楼上这么说,还是不确定啊!我老婆现在一个月,我7月份毕业,签证的话,即使顺利走人,也是在那里生不了了。她不想要了!!wrxys wrote:Well, in your case pregnancy will be treated as pre-existing conditions where most insurance plans would NOT cover.
Hi there:The above statement sounds quite interesting. First, most of universities or institutions’ group health plans cover maternity care, including prenatal and delivery. Of course, some of smaller insured or self insured plans may exclude such care.Second, federal law bars group health insurance plans that cover maternity from considering pregnancy a pre-existing condition. This means that if you change group health plans while you're pregnant, your new group health insurer (as long as it covers maternity) can't deny claims related to your pregnancy.Under a federal law known as HIPAA, group health plans cannot consider pregnancy a pre-existing condition and cannot exclude coverage for prenatal care or your baby's delivery, regardless of your employment or health insurance history, but only if the plan already includes maternity coverage. This holds true whether you are the primary insured or a dependent. So, health plans can't deny you coverage when you go from one job to another and switch employer-sponsored group health plansUndeniable, a variety of loopholes in the health insurance can make some pregnant women uncovered, but for the case presented above, it is unlikely she will be denied coverage. Xatrixer谢谢楼上,就是不知道哈佛的医疗包括不包括国外博士后,其中有没有生育!哈佛给国外博士后的保险计划有很多种选择.生育保险都应该有, 但不知道它们怎样对待pre-existing condition.哦,那要问在哈佛做过或正在做博后的达人了。哈佛的保险COVER 国外博后吧?需要博后另外交费吗?对于这样签证时有何影响?到美国后保险是否涵盖这个?有何利弊?再顶,问没有在哈佛做博后的过来人吗?很急解答一下!!实在不行我们只好无奈的拿掉了!!很多你们这种情况过来生孩子的,我还知道一个过来3个月就生了,也还好。哦。谢谢!!但是不知费用是不是包含在医疗保险内,如果自己付的话那可负担不起啊!!今天去医院查了,老婆怀孕50多天了。胎心很好!老婆还是不想要。我开始时间是9月1号,我预计六月份签证,到时老婆三个月看不出来,估计签证问题不大。签完准备一下,按规定最早也得能八月初走。那时老婆肚子就大了,还不象冬天可以多穿衣。夏天穿衣少,听说入境检查很仔细,到时怕入不了境,被遣返回来。今天收到哈佛秘书来信我的保险都包括我和爱人。现在就怕不能入境,或者是入境后保险不给已经怀孕的情况,到时自己支付这笔生育费用。也是个难题。总之很烦,有经验的过来指点一下啊!!没人回啊!能入境吗?1. J-2是否怀孕对申请签证理论上没有影响,但是鉴于美国对持有PRC护照者的一贯政策,应小心应对,尽量避免与VO纠缠这件事情;2. 一般大学等的group health plan都比较好,一般都会cover,就不知你的机构怎样了,我们这里要专门入,花费很少,月费学校掏了,自己入院时可能要自己负担几百块,但是你不要指望服务会很好;3. 孩子的国籍问题,确实麻烦,尤其是父母将来想回国的。中国不允许双重国籍,我们这边的总领事馆多次面向中国留学生重申过,如果父母没有美国绿卡,在美出生的中国血统儿童,中国政府将默认其中国国籍,当然实际操作上,好多人都回避了,孩子回国探亲都没有办中国护照,而是一次性旅行证;回国以后,孩子入了美籍,办中国绿卡,很麻烦,很多地方归国人员优惠条件又没有落到实处,入了中国籍,又没有准生证,办不了户口。所以,在美国定居了,也就没有这些麻烦了,如果要回国的话,就得考虑清楚了。谢谢楼上!!!1.那就是签证时,最好不要和VO说。即使签证过了。那入境时肚子5个月很明显了,能入境吗?2.秘书回信,有保险!!3.关于国籍问题,我觉得到没什么,总不能孩子国籍有问题就把他拿掉吧。这有点太.......只要来到美国, 一切都不会有问题.
你的孩子将自然 成为美国公民. 任何担心都是多余的.谢谢楼上,现在就怕入境困难!!不知有这样的先例没有?还有honerchin 所说的,让我老婆看到了,哭了一中午。她觉得一下子又难了!!看了大家的回帖,我觉得到那里顺利生下还是可能的。但关键的问题是五个月有肚子了,能否顺利入境?这是关键,要不什么都办了,到了那里不让入境,这不白搭了!!我同学去美国时候,丈夫和小孩(2岁),一块签了去的。我说,你们这会不要这个孩子,要考虑会不会后悔。孩子嘛,喜欢就要了。出去应该没有问题。国籍就看你们的考虑了。现在关键是能不能入境,这也是决定我们要不要的因素啊!!请看下面这个帖子。孩子还是留住,否则将来会后悔以上文本借助在线中文输入法输入>怎么没有一个哈佛的过来人回复呢?2047怎么样了?很想听你现在的情况!!听说大肚子入境,英美都有规定的,不然很多人就会到快临产的时候,弄个旅游签证去美国生了,10000美元换个孩子的美国国籍,可能很多人都愿意。所以最好问问清楚,可以问问美国驻中国领事馆。谢谢楼上!!问了很多都说没问题!!可以入境!不知道怎样?没问题就好,祝你顺利。Thanks!!不好意思,作为楼主只露了个脸就走了。现在向大家汇报一下我的情况。我是4月26日去北京签证,J1&J2,很顺利。我老婆怀孕三个月了,检查很好。我想于6月中旬走,老婆因为工作的事情得到7月中旬。我们也希望一起走,但是没有办法啊。关于保险,根据战友提示,我直接到学校网站上查到了2006年的保险手册,上面说得很明确,怀孕不属于pre-exit condition,所以我想应该没有问题吧。我打算过几天发信问一下学校的相关人员。关于入境,我也没有得到明确的说法,但是我在网上找到了一些例子,好像没问题;并且没有找到说因为肚子大拒绝入境的例子,当然还是小心伪装的好。到时我老婆六个月了,可能会比较难装啊。希望大家有知道的也告诉我一声。无论如何,我们会要这个孩子的,否则以后会后悔的。楼主,去那里啊!你的学校真好,怀孕不在pre-exit condition, 我申请的哈佛在这里,老美真刁,也不地道!!我实习的时候遇到一个要出国,把一对双胞胎儿子打掉的.6个月的.
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